School of Olympus: New Enemy, New Demigod

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The next morning, the Z-Fighters got up and ready for the day. While the Saiyans were arguing about who were stronger the girls were talking about the changes in their lives.

"I feel more powerful than I was," Luna said talking with Zazuli, "but at the same time I feel weaker."

"It was the same for me and Luke as well," Zazuli replied, "after I died and I was sent up into the stars, I began watching Percy, or as he likes to be called now Gohan, and I found myself falling in love with him. He saved Artemis and he jumped into Tartarus for the woman he loved..."

She shook her head.

"I still can't believe that she betrayed him for power," Luna said, "but hey. If she didn't then he wouldn't have met you."

"I guess," Zazuli replied, "the reason why you feel weaker is because you need to train your body. The reason for our training is because the more we train the better our control over ki gets. We aren't partially immortal so we still age and we still die. Well unless you don't count the saiyans. Lucky for them they age slowly, all so they stay in fighting shape."

"Wait they age slower than us?" Luna asked surprised.

"It's only because of our biology," Gohan replied sitting down next to Zazuli.

"Lucky," Luna stated as Trunks sat down beside her.

"It's time for school guys," Luke said as they all flew to their school.

When they arrived, Gohan felt a dark energy signature heading towards them. He looked at his team and gave them a subtle nod. Telling them that Derek is heading right for them.

At that moment, Artemis claimed her daughter making everyone gasp in shock.

Trunks smirked and said, "All hail Luna Grace Daughter of Artemis and Champion of Android 18."

"Well, well, well," Derek said seeing Gohan, "if it isn't the Monkey."

"Hello Demen," Gohan spat, "you're looking well. Blown up any cities lately?"

"Like you would know," Derek replied looking at Gohan as if he were a gnat, "did you fail to save others lately?"

"Shut Demon Spawn!" Gohan spat clenching his fists, "I have half a mind to blow your face into the ground killing you. So how about you shut up and go screw your sister Son of Tartarus."

Everyone, but the Z-Fighters, backed away now.

"Yes I know who your father is," Gohan told him, "does your girlfriend know? After all she is probably dating you because of your power. Feeding off of your pride and calling you stupid pet names. To bad that I'm going to have to kill you."

Derek laughed at Gohan.

"You are wrong there Saiyan Spawn," he told the Son of Goku, "she and I are dating because we love eachother unlike that weakling Perseus Jackson. After all I did kill him when he tried to destroy Oklahoma City. I did it accidentally, I was trying to stop Percy Jackson."
"I always knew he was going to destroy something," a voice said, "hello baby."

"Well if it isn't the Goddess of Bitches," Trunks said witha glare, "are you sure he's telling the truth?"

"Of course he is!" Annabeth replied glaring at the Son of Vegeta.

"Did he swear on the River Styx that what he said is true?" Luna asked.

"And you are?" The Goddess of Ice asked.

"Luna Grace the Daughter of Artemis and Champion of Android 18," Luna replied.

"Oh so you are the new Demigod that goes here," Annabeth said looking her up and down, "weak and pathetic. Just like your mom. What did she do? Got drunk and slept with someone?"


Everyone backed up even further away from the Z-Fighters because of that outburst.

Gohan calmed down and continued speaking, "You will not speak like that to anyone on this team Goddess of Ice. If you do that again then I'll force you to bow at my feet. I don't like to do that, but if you are the one who does it then fine by me. If you, Derek, speak like that about the only male, other than Luke and Trunks, that Lady Artemis likes then I'll send you to hell and not the pit. True hell."

The bell then rung and the Z-Fighters headed to their classes, already wanting the day to get over with.

Timeskip to lunch

"Feeling better?" Zazuli asked Gohan.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't angry," Gohan admitted putting a hand to his head, "every time I'm around someone like them, I'm like this. I can't think straight and I want to bash their skulls in."

Gohan sighed

"I'm wondering how long it'll take for Goddess of Bitches and her boy toy to figure out who Luna really is," Trunks said changing the subject, "I'm putting 10 Drachma that it'll take 'till the end of the day to figure it out."

Gohan smiled and said, "20 Drachma that she'll figure it out by the end of next period."

"Same," Luke stated once he swallowed his food, "she may be a bitch, but she's smart."

"I'm with Gohan," Luna said making Trunks pout.

"I'm staying out of this," Zazuli said making everyone turn to her, "she's smart yes, but her pride overrides it. She's too prideful to evensee what she's become. So she might not see it at all."

The Z-Fighters nodded knowing what she said was correct.

Since becoming a goddess, she's been blinded by her pride and became extremely arrogant and her pride has grown to where even Athena wants her gone.

"The bet is still on though right?" Trunks asked.

"You've become a gambler," Gohan stated, "but yeah the bet is still on."

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