!!please read!!

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So I have a question for y'all!!

I have some ideas and I need a volunteer.

I'm hoping to chose one of you guys, (if you don't mind) to help with part of the story. If I do end up choosing someone, and they end up giving me an idea and I use it, they will be credited!

If I don't end up Choosing someone, or even if I do, you guys can still feel free to comment, or even message me with any ideas you have in mind! Even if it's the tiniest thing.

But yeah-

That's about it, it's ok if no one volunteers, I have a couple friends I've told about my book and can always ask them as well so don't feel pressured or anything!!

But besides that, I hope everyone has a good day and ALSO

Happy thanksgiving to anyone who celebrates it!!

(I just used to have a couple of friends who didn't celebrate it, so just in case!)

But yeah!!


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