Chapter Nine

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  Felix. Why did I trust him? Why did I have to like him? No. Damn it!

 As he insulted me, those were some things I kept repeating and repeating in my head as my sides began to really hurt.

"..Idiotic..." My eyes wandered around and he must have noticed since he let go of my sides and instead, wrapped one hand around my neck. It didn't choke me or cut off my breathing, but my heart  and head began to pound and speed up. His smile wasn't there. Replaced was a serious look, making him creep me out.

 "Follow me, and your friend, the black haired girl, doesn't get hurt. Same goes for Jack and yourself. Y'know, if you want to see him ever again." The air was whooshed out of my lungs like he had thrown me to the floor. Jack was here? And the girl I was before? With my reaction, he chuckled darkly.

  In the most gentleman-like way, Felix dragged me around by holding onto my short hair, barely able to grasp it. "Quite smart, actually. It's hard to do this to people with short hair."

  One quick heave, I was literally thrown at a brick wall with nearly super-human strength. The jagged brick wall punctured my back and I yelped from the pain. A surge of pain quickly spreaded throughout my back like a web, and grew more painful each time.  Slam your hand against that kind of wall, and then picture your hand being your back. It stings and you just want to shake in pain and curse every colorful word you know. I fought back tears and fell on my side, slamming onto my left hip. Felix threw his hat at the shadow in the corner, which reached out and grabbed the hat with ease.

 "Who is this attractive lady?" A male voice called out, I was unsure how old he sounded.


  "Ah, Kori. Her eyelashes are incredibly long and thick! Her hair is odd!" My fear began to boil into anger.

"Yes it is, but remember... She isn't yours!"

 A sigh of sadness came from the shadow. "I know."

  Felix stood in front of me and grabbed my arm, forcing me to stand up. His height made him potective before, but now all I saw was darkness and anger when it came to how tall he was. He put his fore finger under my chin, lifting my head up as he stared into my eyes, making my heart flutter.

 "Crap, her eyes are getting more and more amber. They're getting closer." With that, he ran out the door.


 He thought long and hard to remember his name. A brightness came to his face.

 "It was Jack!"

 Hours passed. We had started traveling the second we could.

"Can we take a break NOW?" I  asked Jack, my feet already aching and my lungs feeling empty. Slowing the  pace until stopping, he nodded.

  We sat on a crate and shared stories until Jack noticed  something.


"What, Jack?"

"Y-your eyes! They're actually glowing brighter and aren't very faded as before."


Something whizzed in between us and hit the other piles of crates beside us.  Twenty feet away was a tall guy holding a gun of some sorts. Jack grabbed the thing that  stuck to the crates. Red and white, it was a dart. Once he yanked the dart off the boxes, liquid squirted droplets on us from the needle. His eyes widened like a cat staring at a huge bowl of catnip and catgrass.

  "Tranquilizer darts.... WATCH OUT!" He answered. I grabbed my weapon and ran swiftly in zigzags sideways, towards and away from him, confusing him so he would target Jack instead. Lurking closer, I tossed the card and it sliced his cheek, sticky blood already dripped at his neck. My weapon/card came back with the left corner slightly bent and soaked with dark blood, already turning a sickly brown. By the time the card hit his cheek, the guy had already gotten pulled the trigger of his dart gun at Jack. A sharp cry ripped out of Jack's throat, almost instantly quieted.  I reacted way too late. Sharp pain hit my upper thigh, spreading down my leg, feeling like bugs were climbing down to my ankles.

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