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It was a slow song, a love song to be specific; a song you would feel nostalgic to. Couples do their thing, they dance to the song, a hand on each other's hips or head leaning on chest, foreheads to foreheads, and even dancing to the while hugging.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung, asking for consent if he can hold him.

"Can I hold you this way?" Jungkook asked, both hands on Taehyung's waist.

"Of course," Taehyung smiled to it and put his hands around Jungkook's neck and they both started to sway their body slowly, dancing to the song.

"I have a question," Taehyung said, "have you bring someone else here before me?"

"Why are you asking me that?" Jungkook smirk.

"Just answer the question," Taehyung said.

"No, you are the first one I brought you here," Jungkook said.

Taehyung sighed, looking deeply at Jungkook's eyes, both lost in each other's galaxy.

The song started to got intense, people around them are probably kissing or already got away with the song. Jungkook snaked his arms around Taehyung's waist, pulling him closely, both hips were clashed together.

"I didn't know you are this cheesy," Taehyung commented which Jungkook just leans forward, clashing his forehead to Taehyung's,

Taehyung's breath hitch and Jungkook leans further and kissed him, taking the lead on dancing swaying their body together, arms around Taehyung's waist, Taehyung's arms around his neck and too close to be called just a dance. Dancing under the shadow of thousands of colors, with people around them and probably inlove.

It lasted longer than expected, Taehyung kissing back slowly, going along with the rhythm of the song. Taehyung didn't know, he also didn't know why this is happening, there are a lot of things needed to be open. And Jungkook was there, hugging him tightly, kissing him warmly, with both the bitterness of the alcohol and intoxicated feelings.

When they pulled apart, Jungkook was already staring at him, swollen lips and teary eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you, you have boyfriend already," Jungkook said and loosen his arm around him.

"Boyfriend?" Taehyung asked confusedly.

"Yeah, Namjoon, isn't he your boyfriend?" Jungkook said.

"No, he isn't. Why would you think of that?" Taehyung said, still their heads were close.

"Because... you two were touchy with each other earlier, and he really cares about you and I saw you two holding each other's hands like boyfriends," Jungkook whispered, with a husk voice that probably the alcohol made.

Taehyung giggles, and nods his head, "Namjoon is very touchy to me. He already confessed to me that he likes me."

"I'm still sorry for--"

Jungkook was cut by the loud songs started playing, it was a rock, hard song really for a party. Taehyung laughs and pulled him out of the dance floor, pulling him to outside.

"We haven't pay yet," Jungkook said.

Taehyung took out money and gave it to the waiter. They both got out of the pub, quiet, dark and cold night.

"We are both drunk right?" Taehyung asked in hush tone, coming back in Jungkook's body, putting back his arm on Jungkook's neck.

"Yeah, I think we are," Jungkook said and put his arm around Taehyung's waist and held it tightly.

"Play a song," Taehyung whispered.

Jungkook giggles and nodded, taking out his phone to play a song.

"I have this song that really reminds me of you whenever I listen to it," Jungkook whispered, kissing his neck softly.

"What is it then? Why it reminds you of me?" Taehyung said.

"I don't know, I just feel like i have to dance this with you," Jungkook said.

"Then show me," Taehyung said.

"Sure thing, love," Jungkook kissed him one more time before he tapped his phone screen and play Don't Wanna Be Okay Without You by Charlie Burg.

The song started, with the low sounds of phone speaker, in the middle of the street with no one around, dark and only the light of the lamppost above their heads. It was calming, Taehyung feels like spinning, and Jungkook was holding him tightly.

How cold yet so hot, how the alcohol made them warm and the chilly night air sips through their skin.

"I only think of you..." Jungkook whispered, holding Taehyung's face, cupping his cheek gently.

"Kiss me," Taehyung said.

And Jungkook gladly did, kissing him the best way, the soft lips, the taste of him, the feeling it gives, the explosion inside their tummy. It is.

Jungkook deepened, holding him tighter, craving, yearning, stealing, eager of it. He wanted to do this for so long, kiss Taehyung.

"I wish we won't remember this night, I wanted to tell you this for so long, Taehyung," Jungkook said, a tear escaped his eye, "I like you so much," 

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