Chapter Four

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The Other Side of the Board

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The Other Side of the Board

THIS WAS GREAT. Fantastic. Amazing. Campbell had two opinions. The first was that they were going to die. They would starve here, or suffocate on spores, or run into the monster. Not that the second would be any better. If they survived...well, could Campbell really believe Loomis would keep his mouth shut? Father would learn he knew about the other world. Which meant they were both in trouble.

So, of course, Loomis simply announced, "Well, that might be bad."

Might be? Might be?

Campbell tried not to blame Loomis. He wanted to help. Very few wanted to do that. But that didn't make his mindless positivity any less frustrating.

"Obviously it's bad!" Campbell took a deep breath. "We are stuck here. At best, we'll starve. Or get poisoned by the air."

Was it pointless to not mention the monster? Perhaps. A small part of him wanted to minimize the damage. Yes, Loomis knew about the other world. They were in the other world. But he didn't know about the monster yet. He didn't know how the gates got opened. He didn't know anything other than there was another world.

That was an admittedly large thing to know, but a small, wobbly leg to stand on was better than none. Father might let Loomis live.

An issue that only needed to be considered if they didn't die. Which they could. Which they probably would. For Christ's sake, the air was toxic! People needed hazmat suits. Was it getting harder to breathe or was he just paranoid? No. No, it was getting harder to breathe. They were going to die. He couldn't breathe. They were going to die. There was no way to get out, they were stuck here, in another world with a monster. A monster that

"Hey, hey, hey," Loomis grabbed Campbell's shoulders. It was the Campbell realized he looked like he was going to pass out. "Relax, okay? We just...we just need to find another one of those holes. There has to more, most events don't happen just once. I doubt it's some kind of amom anomaly. Hey, science class was useful."

Oh. That was a good point.

Actually, now that Campbell thought about it, he knew where another hole was. It just meant they had a long way to go.


THE GIRLS SLIPPED DOWNSTAIRS WHILE THE OTHERS ATE DINNER. Ten stopped to wave to the boys, but then Dustin slammed his fists on the table, so she hurried away. They were probably mad at El for using her powers against them. Papa always said they were only allowed to use them when told. Even if it was to protect someone, or themselves, they were locked away if anything happened without Papa's orders.

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