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After getting ready, Y/N sat on the bed wondering how she would get out of here... She walked up to the door. Then she turned the handle, CLICK! It wasn't locked! Obviously, after the man was shot, Hyunjin forgot to lock it. Filled with immense joy, Y/N opened the door and ran to her freedom. She caught a glimpse of the clock in the living room. It was 6am. She ran outside, the guards were asleep on their chairs. Y/N sprinted, her hair flying behind her. She ran and ran till she got back to her apartment building. She was out of breath. Y/N knew these people don't come out during the day, but she still locked the doors in her apartment floor and she pulled down all the curtains to the windows. Plopping herself on the couch, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She turned on the TV and grabbed some chips, feeling comfortable and secure after all the drama she just went through. Finishing the last season of her favourite show, Y/N decided to call her closest childhood friend, Aera on her mobile phone.

The next hour was spent with Y/N  telling Aera all that had happened with Hyunjin and how relieved she was to be back home. 

Around 5pm, Y/N heard a knock. Hoping it could be Hyunjin, she stayed quiet and slowly creeped up towards the front door. She didn't say anything because if it was him, she couldn't let him know it was her and she lived here. It was obvious from the first day she laid her eyes on him that his presence could make her feel everything she wanted to feel and there was no way she could let herself be so vulnerable. In the corner of her heart, she actually wanted to see him again. No matter how scared she was of him, she still had a big fat crush. As she looked through the peephole, it was Aera. Delighted, she opened the door. But it wasn't just Aera. Hyunjin was standing beside her, gun to the head. Aera was in tears... 

If Y/N hadn't escaped, Hyunjin wouldn't have tracked Aera and she wouldn't be in this black hole of danger that she had created with her bare hands.

"I see, so this is where you live...", Hyunjin smirked, pulling Y/N by the wrist. At first, Y/N pushed and pulled to get his grip off of her but then Hyunjin threatened to harm Aera and Y/N knew she couldn't afford that. She had no other choice but to give in. 

Hyunjin had called another man to grab Aera, take her to the building and lock her in one of the dark rooms. Then he dragged Y/N into one of his black vans. She tried screaming and shouting for help, but Hyunjin shot her in the arm instead. To teach her a lesson. It wasn't deep, just slight but it was bleeding. Hyunjin pushed her into the van, tying her up and applying tape to her mouth.

The vans then left in an instant, as if they weren't even there in the first place. All they left... was a trail of blood... that was caused by a shot in the arm... 

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