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Hyunjin felt like his heart was going burst in such a way that the pieces would rejoin and form an even bigger heart... he had this goof-like smile plastered on his face. He got up about to leave the room, when he heard Y/N talking in her sleep. He moved closer to hear what she was saying.

"Why... why did you do this? Hmm... Hyunjin, what- what do you get from h-hurting me..." a tear rolled down Y/N face. Hyunjin was quick to wipe it off, the touch electrifying. Her words stabbed him, shattering his heart and destroying every piece of him.

He didn't know either... he never meant to hurt her, but he did it. Maybe he wanted her to learn a lesson, to never run away from him again... but clearly, she was in a very bad condition.
He hurt her.
He hurt her on purpose.

The next morning, Y/N woke up. She wanted to get out of here but she daren't even try to check if the door was left locked or not. She sat there for a long time, her stomach growling in hunger but it felt like she didn't even have the energy to get up from her bed.

Anticipating for Hyunjin, the moment he walked in, her face lit up. He had a tray of food in his hands and he sat next to her. He handed the plate to her and she immediately began to stuff food in her mouth. He was taken aback by this sudden action but he was glad she was eating something. He sat there, watching her gobble up the food, her squishy cheeks inflating every time she took a mouthful. Once she was done, he took the plate from her and set it on the bedside. He then held her hand and smiled at her.

"How about we go shopping today?", he said.

Y/N nodded. She was not one for shopping. It took a lot of effort to decide what she wanted to buy and she didn't have that great of a taste in clothing either.

Hyunjin and Y/N sat in the car.

"Where exactly are we going?" Y/N asked.

"A shopping mall... why?" he said not looking away from the road.

"I don't really-... umm... I don't have an interest in buying clothes... my mom had huge closets filled with stuff and when she died, they went in my custody... so I never really had to buy clothes..."

"Oh- I am sorry for your loss... but this is my treat. Cheer up! I'll buy whatever I feel like suits you, okay?"

"Hmm... sure" 

The mall was huge. With its glamourous white walls, glass chandeliers, marbled floors and elevators on every corner, it looked magnificent. The world's greatest brands... all present here and it left Y/N's mouth agape.

Hyunjin gave her a slight pat on the back and helped her walk into one of his favorite stores... Gucci. The shop was filled with the most expensive suits and dresses. The clothing was organized and styled in such a way that it seemed like the whole store was just surreal.

Y/N stood beside Hyunjin while he picked out different dresses, sweats and such for her. He would hold them up next to her and make faces at whether it suited her or not. If he liked it, he'd give it to this worker who was continuously trying to flirt with him, but he would ignore her every time. When they got to the cash register, the worker checked all the clothes and pulled out the receipt, writing something on it before handing it to Hyunjin. Hyunjin, gravely annoyed paid her and they left. 

Hurt (Hyunjin ff)Where stories live. Discover now