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She lifted him a little higher and looked into his funny face. The puppy licked Minji's face and she laughed. It was the most beautiful sound. No, really, I never heard her laugh.

I realized that if before that I still doubted my feelings for her, now everything became completely clear to me. I fell in love. Like the last fool, like a schoolgirl, but fell in love. Just what to do with all this now remained a mystery.

We stopped at a nighttime supermarket, bought diapers, bowls, food, shampoos, collars, some toys. In general, everything that a growing dog needs.

When we arrived at her house, I offered Minji to help bring all this into the apartment. She tried to refuse, but I had no idea how she would trample the dog alone and two bags.

We went into the apartment and she sneezed.

"Bless you" I said politely.

- Damn, the allergy

She sniffed, and only at that moment I noticed that Minji eyes were red.

- This ... Isn't it dangerous? I asked incredulously.

- No. Nothing wrong. I just need pills, and be away from him for a bit ... at a distance.

- Let me help you, and while you take your pills and put for him food.

"No, don't, I can handle it," she shook her head and sneezed again.

She looked at me doubtfully. Minji accepted my help, accepted me to go somewhere other than the bedroom, means to let me into her life more than she should.

- This is the only time. And just because I have allergies, - Minji said seriously, and even a little rudely

- No problems.

I took the puppy, shampoos and, having received a towel from her, went to the bathroom, looking at everything on the way.

But once again I was convinced that her apartment is worth ten of mine. If not more. Where does she get the money? What is this mysterious work?

The puppy started barking and playing as I lathered him generously with shampoo. Even more amused as I wiped it off.

- We have washed and are hungry! I shouted as I opened the bathroom door.

- Let me take it, - Minji appeared at the bathroom door so unexpectedly that I was even a little scared.

I again watched the picture that made my heart squeeze. There was so much tenderness in her movements. She carefully supported the puppy with both hands and smiled.

I did not follow them into the kitchen, deciding to wash my hands.

How can she change like that? These are two different people. She was a cold and insolent bitch with me, but here she all laughing. Maybe she's not that bitch?

But I began to doubt it after a minute.

- Are you still here? - She looked into the bathroom and stared at me with displeasure.

- You know, there is such a word "thank you". People use it to thank you for your help, "I replied, drying my hands with a towel.

"I'll remember that," she nodded without a single emotion on her face. "It's late, so you have to go.

- Did you take the pills? I asked, heading into the hallway.

- Everything is fine with me.

Again the wall. Again the barrier. Again a bitch.

"Okay," I sighed, putting my feet into my boots, "good night.

- night

I got into the car and thought. How does she do it? Her eyes shone as this tiny puppy just licked her. And then she again behaves like the last bitch, although I just helped her. Her actions are somehow illogical. But now I saw her for real. And I won't get it out of my head anymore. I want to know Minji like that.

The next couple of times when I was with her, I tried to strike up at least some kind of conversation. I tried to ask about the puppy, but she only said that she gave it to her friend, that they would take him into the house next week, and that he was fine.

The maximum that I still managed was to ask for some water before leaving, because I was really thirsty. Minji looked at me with displeasure, but brought water.
That's all.

I came to Minji on Thursday. She wrote in the morning, and I realized that on the weekend Minji would not call. This has happened more than once. If Minji invited me to her place at the end of the week, then our weekend evenings were held separately.

When we were already in the bedroom, Minji handed me three silk black ribbons. I've used them more than once, and I knew what she wanted. When she was tied to the head of the bed and blindfolded, an ingenious thought struck me. I decided this time to act the way I want. Namely, to be gentle.

I kissed her body, noticing how she flinches slightly. I ran my tongue over her smooth skin, taking my time to go down and move on to the main action. I just wanted to enjoy it. She tried to be as quiet as possible, and even bit her lip,after Minji said:

- What ... What are you doing?

- That why you called me, - I answered, affectionately stroking the tense nipple with my tongue.

- Don't do it like that ... - she hesitated, choosing the word.

- How Minji ?Gently? - I guessed.

- Yes.

- You like it. Your body likes it.

- Listen, if you don't ...

I kissed her just to shut her up. I didn't want to listen to her threats, orders and other shit. I wanted to love her, and I loved.

I tortured her for quite some time until her thighs lifted off the bed and squeezed my head between her legs.

When I untied the ribbons, I stared at her in silence, she looked angry. Holding her index finger in front of my face, she hissed:

- Never do that again! Understood me?!

- Y-You liked it! - I was indignant.

- We're fucking! We are having sex. Regular sex. I don't need all this vanilla crap with kisses and other nonsense, you understand ?!

- Enough already to pretend to be an impregnable bitch! - I could not resist. - I like you! Whether you are happy with it or not, it is! And if you are a little simpler, it does not mean that I will try to offend you right there! I do not know what kind of unhappy love you had or some other sad story, but you are not sixteen anymore! You behave like a child. "I was hurt, I won't let anyone else near me." What the hell?! Grow up already!

She looked at me with the most evil eyes I have ever seen.

- Get out of here.

- Minji ...

- Get out.

From her look, I realized that if I didn't leave, she would hit me. Therefore, with a heavy sigh, I got out of bed, quickly dressed and left the house.

Strangers with Benefits (Minji and Yoohyeon)-JiyooWhere stories live. Discover now