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Lauren's POV

Christine brings us BLT sandwiches for lunch. Apparently, my torture session lasted well through breakfast. I don't miss the disappointment in my housemaid's eyes and it bothers me. I've never seen the look in her eyes before. I have done shit like this for years so I'm confused that she suddenly seems offended. "Thank you," I tell her as she scurries off. "Tell Cartier to come here."

Bunny sits quietly in my lap. She's long since stopped crying and when she started to shiver, I covered her in her robe. Now she's simply silent. I miss her voice and my chest aches. This is exactly why I needed to see Nat. To get my head back on straight. I'm weak when it comes to Bunny.

"You need me, Ma'am?" Cartier's normally playful smile is gone and he's all business. I glare at him in confusion. Are they all fucking pissed at me? Again, this isn't the first time I've done this shit. But Bunny is different.

I swallow down the fact that my staff sees it too and grunt out my command. "Take care of Bunny. I have shit to do. I want her playing the part of perfect whore by dinner." I attempt to keep my voice even and bored but when she tenses in my arms, guilt washes over me. Instead of letting the guilt win, I nudge her to get out of my lap. "Come on, honey," Cart says with a sigh of exasperation, "let's go work some magic. It'll take a lot to make you the way Ms. Jauregui wants you."

His comment is a dig and I snap my gaze to his. We standoff for a moment as he helps her to her feet but eventually he chickens out and looks away.

"Pure. Street. Trash." My reminder makes him huff.

"Got it, Ma'am," he says over his shoulder. "But this will take all day."

The dig again.

He wants me to understand that she is far from street trash. Fuck him and his girly attitude. I'll have a little conversation with him about it later. But right now, I need to sort through some work and focus on anything but how warm she felt in my arms.

"Just get it done, Cart, if you want to keep your goddamn job. I want her ready by five for dinner."

All I get is a wave before the door closes behind them. As soon as she's gone, the air is colder. My office seems empty. Lonely. I fucking hate it.

I attempt to keep my mind off of her by diving into work. Several emails wait in my inbox from Glenna and Jamal. Apparently Trevor is doing well and he's "deeply saddened by his actions and the consequence of said actions."


He should be fucking scared out of his goddamned mind. I'm not done with his ass yet.

An email pops up from a name I don't recognize.

To: LJaureguiOwner@RKEnterprises.com

From: James@JamesDixon.senate.gov

RE: Membership

Ms. Jauregui,

I'm very interested in discussing your exclusive membership opportunities.

Please ring my office so we can talk privately on the matter.


I pick up the phone and dial the number he's listed just under his picture. He's a politician with a friendly smile. The Black membership is incredibly expensive to the tune of a hundred grand a year. Accounts like this don't come around every day, so when they do, I make sure to handle the transaction. He answers on the first ring. "James Dixon."

Sitting back in my office chair, I swivel around so I can stare out at the lake. "Hello, Mr. Dixon. Lauren Jauregui speaking. I received your email and understand you've read the terms and pricing for our Black membership?"

After a lengthy discussion, I discover that James is a freak like me. He's even had my grumpy ass chuckling a few times with his easy going personality. His only concern was making sure that his paying for the Black membership will keep his dealings discreet because of his political affiliations. It's a legitimate concern and one he won't have to worry about. Even I can't access his "requests." He could be asking for dudes for all I know. Many other clients like to brag about the toys they're interested in and what they do to them but James has been absolutely silent on the subject. All I know is he's willing to drop a lot of fucking cash in my company for his needs.

"I have a thing for brunettes," he tells me finally with a chuckle, giving me a sneak peek into his private world.

So do I apparently.

"I have some time off at the end of February. That's probably when I'll set up my meeting with my toy. I'd love to meet up with you and play a round of golf, Ms. Jauregui."

"Please, call me Laur. We'll make it happen. In the meantime, upon completion of your payment, you'll be given access to the Black section of the site. Feel free to call me if you have any questions as I want to make this a pleasurable experience for you."

"I have no doubts I will be pleased. I'm looking forward to some fun before I have to work my ass off. I'm running in 2020 so that means I won't be getting too many vacation days in the near future."

"What race?"


I whistle. "Impressive. Your dealings with our company will be handled with the utmost discretion, I can assure you. As long as you follow your rules, we follow ours. But, for the record, I'm not voting for you," I joke.

We both laugh.

"I like you, Lauren Jauregui. Can't wait to meet you in person."

"Likewise, buddy."

I don't make friends very easily but I already like this guy. Perhaps I will vote for him.

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