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Camila's POV 

It's been three days since she left me to go fetch her dad, but this time, things are different. She left me and went alone because I was actually ill with a twenty-four hour stomach virus the morning she left and couldn't travel with her despite my begging. But, unlike when she left for London, she's called the house about ten times a day to check on me. Several of those times, especially late at night, I would curl up in her bed and talk to her about my college days or when I worked at the busy law firm. She'd spill little tidbits of her own past and how she came to find her employees. It's been nice getting to know her in such an intimate way.

Neither of us really dove into our pasts. I mentioned my brother a couple of times in passing as I'd recall a memory but nothing detrimental. And now, I've allowed myself to believe that Lauren and I can be more. That perhaps she'll want to keep me and together we'll find a way to keep Jimmy from ruining both of our lives.

The thought of Jimmy sucks the air from my chest. Even though I've revealed a lot to Lauren, she still doesn't know much about my past. With Jimmy having been her client, I'm worried she'll act irrationally—not on her behalf but on mine. Just like she defended me from Jimmy's berating back in Vegas, I fear she'll go after her in an attempt to avenge me.

Just like Trevor.

Just like Corgy.

I'm still unsure what she and Dubois did when they went to London but I have a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with Corgy considering she asked about him before she left. Knowing that Lauren attacks first and asks questions later, I feel like she went on a mission to destroy the man. And as it was when Trevor poorly attempted to have his way with me, Lauren nearly killed him. I have no doubt Corgy met the same fate.

"Why do I feel like I'm going to get killed for this?" Cartier complains as he peels the last of the tape from the door trim, dragging me from my thoughts.

I tuck the beige sheet into the bottom of the bed and turn to look at him. His dark, chocolate curls are speckled with a khaki color and his mouth is pursed together in a pout. He took off his shirt somewhere along the way and dazzles me with his sculpted perfection. It truly is a shame he bats for the other team.

"You're not going to get killed. You and I both know that the purple was terrible. Plus, her father isn't going to want to stay in the Princess Room. And there aren't any other rooms available for him."

He saunters over to me and helps me make the bed. We spent the first couple of days painting and all day yesterday shopping for decorations. Despite Cartier doing something that wasn't a direct order, I knew he had fun helping me pick out everything. Plus, someone had to pay for it all.

"Yeah, but why couldn't we have asked permission first?" he whines.

I toss a pillow at him. "Because, goofball, then it wouldn't be a surprise!"

His anxiety is infectious and my heart starts thumping around in worry. What if she hates the surprise? What if I misjudged the progression of our relationship and was too forward in moving all my things to her bedroom? I swallow down fear that oddly reminds me of how I'd worry when I'd make a change back at my Georgian home with Jimmy. It was always hit or miss with him. If he loved it, I was rewarded with peace. If he hated it, I learned my lesson.

"Oh my!" Christine gasps from the doorway. "Camila, you've simply outdone yourself. This room is absolutely stunning. Ms. Jauregui will be so proud of all your hard work."

I toss Cartier a smug I told you so grin.

"Good. Cart here was trying to give me a heart attack about it."

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