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Camila's POV

The flight to Vegas a few weeks later isn't long and I mostly daydream. It'll be the first time I'll visit her "legal" sex hotel and I'm anxious. I hope that dumb Evette chick won't be there. At first, when I met her, I'd been threatened. But, once she and I cleared the air about our feelings, things got better. That night, Evette had pushed around the food on her plate while Laur and I inhaled ours. There was such a look of disappointment on her face when I asked her if she was on a diet because the lasagna was the best I'd ever eaten. Thankfully, her disappointment was pointed toward her and she knew it. Of course she blamed me for her sudden adoration of me over her. She'd tried multiple times to sneakily throw in my face that she was like her and I was merely a toy. But each time, I'd nudge her foot under the table and grin wickedly at her. To my delight, she'd smile back and wink. It was our own little secret.

"We're almost there. It's the biggest hotel on the strip. Half of it holds a casino and several five star restaurants. There are even a few select levels of rooms on the north side we rent out to keep the façade up. On the south side, the bulk of the rooms remain as well as some private dining establishments that are only available to our Black members. And we have some meeting rooms for when group events are held. I've gone to a couple of them but I prefer to play with my toy by myself."

I take her hand as Dubois pulls the rental into a covered valet parking spot behind the building. Since Laur is the owner, I guess we get special privileges like back access. I'm eager, being that I've never been to Vegas, to try my hand at a few slot machines.

"What are we going to do? I'm excited to be here with you. It'll be so romantic,"

I gush as we climb out of the car. For the trip here, I'd settled on a white sweater dress with black leggings and black heeled boots. Cartier curled my hair into loose waves and had done my eyes up in smoky shades. Laur nearly devoured me when I exited the salon this morning but Dubois—the spoilsport—reminded her of our itinerary.

Laur stops and I turn to see why. Her frown is immediate and I go to her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Remember, Bunny, I'm here on business. I need to have a little chat with Trevor, meet with Jamal and Glenna, and I even have a game of golf scheduled with a client."

My heart sinks but I nod.

"Okay, well, I suppose I could venture out on my own. See what Vegas has to offer."

She's already shaking her head before I can finish.

"Don't leave the hotel. And when we get inside, one of the staff will give you a gold lanyard. You're to wear it at all times. It's what lets the other Luxers know you're my toy. Nobody will touch you as long as you have it on. Other Black member's toys will have black lanyards and the rest of the toys have white lanyards. If you come across someone without one, it means the Luxer wants to share his toy."

I force a smile. "Lovely."

"I don't share, Bunny. You're mine. I'd rather you stay in the penthouse suite until I get back but I know you and you're a curious one. So promise me you'll stay on this side of the casino and keep that lanyard on."

Nodding, I start to walk inside. The door opens to a dark hallway where a nice-looking young man hands me the much coveted gold lanyard and a room key. I glance down the hallway to see that it leads to a set of elevators. When I turn around, Laur is leaned up against the counter with a frown marring her perfect features.


"I'm supposed to meet my client now. You go on up and get comfortable. We'll have dinner together later. Dubois will deposit the luggage and see to it if you need anything else."

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