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Lauren's POV

We enter the suite and I furrow my brows at her. She's in a daze and I'm fucking pissed about it. I just beat the shit out of my newest client, yet she seems to be the one distraught. Something's not adding up. James opened his goddamned mouth, I wanted to.

And when he spoke to my Bunny as if she were his to abuse.

I went fucking ballistic.

"Where'd you go there?"

Her brown eyes flit to mine. Worry flashes over her features before she shakes it away.

"Nothing, just thinking about my dad. Why don't you, uh, start the shower and I'll start getting undressed in here?"

I nod but I'm not stupid. She's hiding something. Did that Cherry girl give her some drugs? I saunter out of the room and into the bathroom but peer back out. She unzips her dress and it drops to the floor revealing her curvaceous backside. With a flick of her thumb and finger, she unhooks her bra and it loosens up. A white slip of paper flutters to the floor. Clearly that, not drugs, is what she was hiding and she quickly snatches it up to hide it in her suitcase. I make note to investigate it later. Now, though, there's something else I want to investigate. I start the shower and proceed to tug off all of my clothes. I'm just taking my socks off when she enters the bathroom. Her eyes take a leisurely stroll down my ripped body to my cock that has long since arisen to the task that lies ahead of him. The smile that plays on her lips is that ridiculous fake one she seems to think she fools people so well with. I can see right through her come hither bullshit grin because her eyes don't lie. Her eyes flicker with doubt and worry. Whatever happened today has her pretty little head all fucked with and she's trying her damnedest to hide it from me.

I should have been with her today. Making love to her. Fucking her until she couldn't walk. Kissing her. Touching her.

Instead, I was with that fucker who I ended up beating the shit out of later. The thought boils my blood. A storm is brewing within; a complicated mess of possessiveness over protecting what's mine, the need to punish Trevor, Jimmy, and the fucker who hurt her, and a deMa'ame to unleash the demon inside that craves to play with his toy. My eyes trail down her body and with each bruise I skim over, I become more and more furious. A part of me begs to fall to her feet and brush kisses over each purple mark on her ribs while telling her how sorry I am. Another part of me wants to seize her mouth with mine in an attempt to convey how impressed I am by her strength.

But the dark part of me . . .

The twisted, insane part of me . . .

Wants to hurt her more.

And that really fucking gets my dick hard.

She's managed to tame my inner beast lately and with everything that's happened, he's itching to escape and run amuck.


Her voice is soft and the gentle, brown eyes that have gazed upon me the last few months as if I'm her own personal savior, flicker with uncertainty. A glimpse of fear flashes in them.

I stride over to her and stop just as the tip of my cock brushes against her belly. Raising my hand, I slide it into her hair and grip her tight. With a firm tug backwards, I force her to look up at me. Panic in her eyes chases away the almost loving way she looked at me before. Her quick loss of trust in me fuels my deMa'ame to give her something to fear.

"I'm going to fuck you, Bunny. And it's going to hurt."

Her eyes droop and she flutters her lashes. Quick rushes of breath exhale from her and she parts open her mouth.

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