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S.T.A.R Labs, cortex

Me, Caitlin, Cisco, Wally, and Joe were in the cortex when an alarm started going off.

"Uh, Cisco, what's that?"

"That is a breach! A breach just opened let's go! Downstairs now!" Cisco said and I raised an eyebrow.

"It's a what?" I asked as we all ran downstairs.

Cisco and Joe pointed guns at the thing I assumed to be the breach while me, Caitlin and Wally stood behind them, me calling Barry and Caitlin calling Iris.

Neither of them picked up but a few seconds later Barry zoomed in with Iris.

"What's going on?" Barry asked, looking at the breach.

"That!" Caitlin said, waving her hand towards the breach.

"Yeah, why'd you open a breach?"

"I didn't." Cisco said.


"That's why we called you." Joe said.

"Well, can you close it?" Iris asked.

"Once again, wouldn't have called if I could." Cisco said before the breach started fluctuating.

"Somebody's coming through." Wally said, pointing at the breach.

"Get back!" Joe said before a man who looked exactly like Harrison Wells came through.

"Allen." The guy said as Cisco and Joe put their guns down.

"Wells." Barry said with a sigh.

"I need your help."

"With what?" Barry asked before a speedster zoomed into the room, running around before stopping beside the guy with a smile.

"With that."

"Hey guys." The girl said as I tried to figure out what was going on.

"Jesse. You're a speedster?" Wally asked.

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