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A few days later
S.T.A.R Labs, cortex

"Sumptuous day." H.R. said, revealing a bunch of food as I walked into the cortex after dropping Frankie off at school. "Oh no on this earth I believe you say..."

"Good morning." Cisco told him before taking a bite of a bagel.

"And it is. I mean, the music on your earth well it strikes a chord, no pun intended. Please help yourself. I find a crew works best when it's well fed and well rested."

"Are those coffees for us too?" Iris asked.

"Yes indeed, Miss West. I took the liberty of reading through your ledgers last night. Alot of information to absorb but let's see how I did. Skim milk chai latte." He said, handing a cup to Iris.


"Okay. And an iced americano with three shots of espresso."

"Boom." Wally said, taking the cup.

"That happened Walter."


"Wally. Now, for my fleet of foot friend, you'd best stick to decaf."

"Probably for the best yeah." Barry said, taking the cup.

"And for you Dr.Ramon, hot chocolate with extra whipped cream." He said, handing me a cup.

"Thank you, H.R." I said as I took the cup.

"You are so very welcome. Now, San Francisco, I have prepared a French toast with a touch of creamer."

"Thank you so much." Cisco said, taking the coffee hesitantly.

"You're welcome. Did you know that on my earth, coffee crop was wiped out by blight? I mean that's one more reason to stay on this earth, for the coffee alone."

"Yeah, though that's if you stay."

"If I stay. Time is of the essence. Here's what I propose, a series of team building exercises. Now, I've hidden a series of clues all around the facility. What I propose is, we break into two groups alright? You can pick a partner, you're-"

"Okay, okay. I have to stop you right there H.R I am not feeling this."

"It's the roast isn't it? I should've gone with a dark-"

"No it's not the roast. The roast is fine. Our trust isn't something that that you can just build with games. Okay? No. This is something that goes back three years. It's something that's been forged in fire, sometimes literally. So maybe you should just sit back and observe, see what we do here, how we operate. Did you get that?"

"Excellent note. I'm gonna run with that."

"Okay, let's all just calm down. H.R, have you seen Caitlin?" I asked as I sat down.

"Yes. So she was here. Alright yeah you know we talked and she knocked back a triple shot latte and she left you a message. So I'm gonna, yeah let me play it for you. This is not the same as my earths."

"Here " I said, standing up and pressing the button to start the message.

"Hey, it's me. I've got some things I need to take care of. I shouldn't be gone more than a few days. See if you can get along without me and make sure Cisco doesn't touch my pizza pockets." The recording said as Cisco ate a pizza pocket.

"Wasn't labeled." He said with a shrug.

"Okay you know what guys? I gotta go to work I'm late." Barry said, looking at his watch.

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