Borrowing problems from the future

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One month later, S.T.A.R Labs, cortex

"Rose." Cisco said with a sigh from behind me but I ignored him as I stared at the satellite that was attempting to track Frankie's meta signature but that would only work if she used her powers which we all know isn't happening so why we haven't found a different way to track them I don't know. "Rose, come on. You can't keep doing this."

"I promised to keep her safe and she and her baby brother have been kidnapped for a month." I said, spinning around to face him before I sighed and grabbed my keys. "I'm gonna do another drive around the city. See if I can find anything." I said before walking out of the cortex.

"Rose, wait!" Cisco called after me but I ignored him as I walked down the hall and out of S.T.A.R Labs.

(Sidenote: would you guys be intrested in me doing a book on Frankie and her perspective on all of this? I've had the idea for a while but would you guys like that?)

A few hours later

"Come on, Frankie. Where are you?" I whispered to myself as I pulled over only to see lightning flash past my car a second later and I scoffed before looking out my window to see Barry in his suit. "Yes, Barry?" I asked, rolling down my window.

"Uh well one, Cisco's really really worried about you and two, we have a thief to stop." Barry said with a smile and I shook my head.

"Tell Cisco I'm fine and you guys are gonna have to manage without me for this one, I have to find my kids."


"They've been missing for a month, Barry. For all I know they're dead. Or worse. There are so many things that could've happened because I can't find my own children when I promised her I would keep her safe." I said, the tears I had been holding back finally falling down my face. "And on top of everything, Leo...Leo isn't here. He's dead. He blew himself up while I was pregnant with our child, a child that I can't even save! So no your endless optimism can't fix this. Everything won't be okay. I can't lose them. I can't...I can't do it."

"Hey, we're gonna find them." Barry said, kneeling down by my car door.

"How? We've tried everything. What if the reason we can't find them is because they're dead?"

"Look, I'm gonna call Felicity and maybe if it doesn't damage the timeline the legends could help too."

"And if they can't find them?" I asked but he didn't respond. "I....I think I just need a day. I need a clear head so I can find them."

"Where are you gonna go?"


"Yeah that tells me nothing, you won't tell us where you're staying."

"A cabin downtown but don't come unless it's absolutely necessary." I said before driving off.


"Hey, Lisa. I'm back." I called as I walked in and she walked out of the kitchen a few seconds later with two mugs of hot chocolate.

"Any luck?" She asked as she set the hot chocolates down on the coffee table.

" team thinks I should rest."

"Lay down then."


"Your team, no matter how uptight and overly hopeful they are, are right. You haven't been sleeping and I know it's not because of nightmares at least not about what they used to be about. So sleep, okay?"

I smiled slightly and chuckled dryly before taking off my jacket and walking over to the couch.

"Fine." I said and she flashed me the famous Snart smirk.

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