Bonding Moment

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Fern sighed as she limped down the stairs, knowing fully well that Kix had most likely told the rest of the group what happened. She had taken some painkillers before moving and hoped they would kick in soon. 

Fern heard hushed whispers originating from the kitchen, most likely the Clones discussing what happened. She silently shuffles through the living room and to the hallway with the basement door. Fern needed to feed the Bullet Ants, she slips underground and pulls on the tight leather glove she uses to feed them. Fern then takes an empty pudding cup out of the cupboard and fills it three-quarters of the way with water, then adds two teaspoons of sugar and mixes it together.

Then she picks it up with her gloved hand and carefully opens the terrarium with the other. Fern quickly places the sugar water down and retracts her hand, then watches her growing colony begin to feed. Fern's senses tighten when she hears the creaking of the basement door opening. Her eyes flicker back to see who entered her domain. She resumes watching her ants as Hardcase calmly walks up to her.

"You shouldn't be walking around like that." He states, glancing down at Fern's side, the bandages seen through the thin top she put on after school.

"The Bullet Ants needed feeding, and I don't trust anyone else to do it." Fern replied almost emotionlessly as she continued to watch the horde began to come in at full force. "And I'm used to the pain ... It barely even hurts anymore."

Hardcase gave Fern an odd look, something between confusion and pity. Fern didn't question it when he spoke up again, "So, what's with the protective padding?" He motions to the glove she was wearing.

"To stop them from stinging my hand, their sting is primarily a Neurotoxin and is incredibly painful. Some compare the pain to that of being shot. Hence the name. However, it's mainly used to ward away predators."

Hardcase nods awkwardly, wondering how something so tiny could be that painful. He clears his throat before speaking, "The others are talking about you."

Fern shows a brief look of confusion before coldly gazing back at her reflection in the glass.

It's probably about how pathetic you are!

No, they don't seem like the type to do that though.

Yeah right, what else is there to talk about? Face it, what happened before will only just repeat itself.

No, it won't. Stop it. They're not like that!


Hardcase calls out to Fern, her eyes snapping up as she realized she had spaced out again. "Sorry." She shakes her head to rid herself of the voice. "It was just some kids from school, they go after me every day, nothing to worry about." Fern sighs and shakily asks, "Um, can you help move this over there?" Pointing to an empty vertical terrarium and to the corner of the room with a large basin and a tap, "I need to clean it out, the Sapphire Tarantulas are moving there in a few days and I need to set it up." Hardcase nods and the two spend the rest of the day cleaning and decorating the terrarium.

Hey guys, sorry it's short but the writer's block is still hitting hard. But at least I got this part out so don't worry! Goodbye Fiddleheads!

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