Follow the Raven

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The clones had all noticed that after their little game Fern was anxiously scrambling to get on a coat and some boots.

Cody was the first to voice this, "Fern? Where are you going?" He asked cautiously as Fern rushed to get outside. "They've found Raven! I'm going to get her!" Was her only reply as she bolted out the door.

The glass doors of the building are flung open as Fern collides with them. The others are startled but she doesn't care. Lunging for the empty reception desk, she frantically rings the bell continuously.

Eventually, a middle-aged woman walks out from behind the wall. "Yes, YES! I hear you!" The woman looks up and sees the girl, "Fern? You got here quick. Did you run all the way here?"

Fern doesn't respond, panting for breath as she motions the woman to let her in. The woman nods and guides the gasping girl into the back room.

After a minute, an older man walks and smiles at the heavily breathing girl, "Fern. Nice to see you out of the house for once."

Fern deadpans, "I spend, plenty, of time, out of the house!"

"Not around us you don't. Wait please she'll be out in a minute." Was the mans reply.

Fern waited anxiously as the seconds ticked by, another, younger man walked in.

"Hey, Fern! Been a while, wait, we called you half an hour ago. Did, did you run here?" Thomas asked, concern in his eyes.

The girl nodded, finally having caught her breath. Thomas looked on in surprise, "You live three miles away!" Fern shrugs, just wanting to see her friend again.

Suddenly, a large dark mass dashes from the doorway and charges into Fern, knocking her down.

The loud whine and exited tail gave Fern everything she needed to know, "Raven!" With a bright smile in her eyes, the Malemute Huskey and German Sheperd Mix happily snuggled into the girl. Fern, with tears of joy, looked up at the older man who brought her friend back to her, "Thank you, Richard."

The red collar barely visible under black and brown fur, the Huskey tail wagging, and large Sheperd's ears, this is Raven. Clipping on a lead, she leads the dog out the door. Richard sighs, "One day. One day she'll call me Dad."

Waving goodbye to the people at the animal rescue, Fern gripped Raven's lead and moved the two of them into the sheltered forest. When out of sight, Fern unhooked the lead from the harness, letting the dog run free. The two of them run through the darkened trees, side by side until the clearing from the other day entered their sights.

The dog playfully grabbed the girl's arm in her mouth and dragged her down, where the two gently wrestled with one another, just happy to see the other again.

Eventually, the two sit next to each other and rest their foreheads against the others.

Kix had begun to worry. The sun had long since set and Fern hadn't yet returned with whoever this 'Raven' was. The girl had mentioned them briefly during conversations, sounding fond when the name was mentioned. But also sad, like a lost friend.

Honestly, Kix wanted to meet this friend of hers, hoping to see some sort of mental improvement within the child.

Ever since they had arrived, Fern had seemed somewhat distant. It reminded him of the survivors after a battle, the emptiness at losing their brothers, yet still having to carry on.

A loud howl snapped Kix out of his thoughts, the sound came from the forest.

The one Fern went into.

The howl caught the attention of the others as well, Rex and Cody casting cautious glances at each other. The two stepped forward towards the back door, drawing their blasters as the doorknob rattled. Then without warning, a dark-furred mass shot through the door and into the living room. The mass knocked over the two clones and jumped onto the sofa, spinning around and barking loudly.

Before any of the clones could shoot, an exhausted Fern crashed through the door and signaled for the men to stop. Panting heavily, she rasped out "This, is, Raven!" The soldiers lowered their blasters and calmed as the large dog bounded cautiously around the room, curious of the newcomers.

After learning that the favored friend was not in fact a person and voicing their surprise, Ferns only response was, "Did- did you expect my best friend to be a person? You have met me, right?"

(So a little short but I think sweet none the less.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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