Chapter 1: Neighbors

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Detectives Reagan and Baez were both sitting at there desks working on a fresh case. Danny's phone started ringing "Detective Reagan speaking" Danny answered. "Hi Danny" said a familiar voice. It was his neighbor, Pete. "There's some really loud music coming from your place, do you think you could turn it down?" Pete asked. Danny knew it must be his 20 year old son Jack and his younger son Sean. "Yes, sorry. It must be my sons, I'll make sure they turn it down". "Thanks" his neighbor responded his appreciation. Danny sighed. "Who was that?" His partner asked. " It was my neighbors and now I have to go over to my house and tell my son's to turn there loud music off. Like I don't already have a million other things to do. " Danny started to stand up. "No, let me go" Maria offered. " No it's fine, really Baez". "Danny, you said so yourself, you have a million other things to do" His partner argued. "Ok, fine. But only because you quoted me."

Maria arrived at Danny's place:
Maria unlocks his house with his spare key and walks inside. She sees Sean and Jack doing karaoke and several empty bottles of beer on the living room coffee table. She walks towards them. "Hey, come on do some karaoke with us" says Sean very drunkenly. "Oh, no thanks." Replied Baez, swearing to herself she was never going to do Danny a favor like this ever again. " No, come on, really. " This time it was Jack who replied drunkenly. Maria gave in. She would just sing one song. She'd never really had a lot of fun before anyways. "Oh ok, but I get to choose the song." Maria said while taking the remote and turning some Frank Sinatra on. The boys offered her a bottle of beer and soon after that she was chugging bottle after bottle until she was just as drunk as the boys. Drunk while singing New York, New York by Frank Sinatra. And if you could hear her sing, you'd immediately wish you hadn't.
Meanwhile back at the precinct......
Danny gets another call from his neighbor, Pete. "Would you please just shut the music down!" Danny was wondering why it hadn't been shut off yet. Maria should've been there a while ago.
"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that." There was no sign of appreciation at the other end of the phone this time, just beep, beep, beep. Danny decided to call Maria first once, then twice, three times. "Ugh, why isn't she picking up!" . Danny decided to call Sean and Jack but neither picked up. Danny started to worry and decided to go over to see what was going on......

Read my next chapter to find out what happens and let me
know if you like it so far. It's my first story on here, so sorry
if it sucks. :(

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