Chapter 1

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Part 1
“Storms make trees take deeper roots.”
Dolly Parton

Chapter 1
I step off the plane at an airport almost 3 hours away from where my Sister lives. My Dear Sister, Bree moved from Phoenix, when she was 18, to attend Boise State University. We have no idea why, she just said it was the best choice for her and left almost immediately after graduating. While there she met her husband, Matt and moved back to his home town of Stanley. She's a teacher there. Matt is a nurse.

I walk through the airport to the baggage claim" grabbing the two suitcases I brought and throwing my duffle bag over my shoulder.

Bree and Matt are waiting for me by the exit doors; Bree runs up and hugs me, Matt takes my bags and we begin walking out the door to their Ford Escape.

"Okay so I am totally okay with you coming to live with us and everything, but you were pretty vague over the phone what exactly happened?"

"Mom and William are getting married."

She chokes on her water and loiks back at me, "William as is in your boyfriend of the last 3 years, William?"

I nod, "that's the one."

"What? You are telling me, our mother was having sex with your boyfriend behind your back and now they are getting married."

"That is exactly what I am saying.  I found out after his parents found messages between them from when we all went on vacation together for his eighteenth birthday. He called her a milf and they talked about how they could go behind my back and everything and pull it off. His parents showed up to the house and told mom they'd see her in court. But William just runs up behind them and announces that he's in love with her and is gonna marry her because hes 18 and they cant prove they did anything before he was 18. And then Mom kissed him and he moved in the next night. Didn't even break up with me, just came up to me the next morning and told me how sorry he was for it all."

Matt speaks up after I finish my sentence, "that is seriously disgusting. I mean, Rocky is not a bad looking woman, but she's literally 16 years older than me, which means she's what? 24 years older than him?"

I nod,"23. To be exact."

He and Bree both say ew and then look back at me.

"Well you are welcome to stay with us as long as you'd like. And i promise you. Neither one of us, will sleep with your boyfriend."

I laugh and we drive the rest of the way just talking and singing.

We get to their house at around 3 pm.

"Well. Welcome home!"

The house is a small 2 bedroom with yellow exterior, and a small front porch. When you walk in, its decently modernized with new wood floors and off white walls throughtout. A small sectional sits in front of a huge tv stand with a 60 inch flat screen sitting on it. Through the hall is the kitchen with a small eating area and a bathroom right before you reach the kitchen. Off the kitchen is another hallway, in that hallway is the master suite and at the end of the hall is the snall bedroom they were using for storage when we came for christmas last year.

They were newlyweds then, they got married on Halloween last year, because it is Bree's favorite holiday. They had just graduated the June before and Bree moved into here with him immediately after graduating. She got her job two months later. Matt got left the house after his grandma had to be put into an assissted living facility and he and Bree fixed it up as soon as they had the extra money.

"I know it really is not gonna be much. But when you asked to move in, we moved the old bed that his grandparents had in there and a few other things. And it's pretty tiny. But I did decorate it for you."

I walk down the hall into the bedroom and see Matt has already put my bags on the bed. I start unpacking and then lay on the bed and look around. My sister knows me well, the room has a black theme to it, gothic as Bree would say, though i dont think I'm goth, ive just got green hair and enjoy black. But, Maybe I'll actually like it here. I sure hope so. After my life completely falling apart, a small town, change without anybody knowing me, where I will be able to just start from scratch is ideal. This time around I will not fall in love, get my heart broken or do anything stupid. Nashville became a living hell for me because of what my Mom did; everyone at school knew, I became a laughing stock. The girl who had her boyfriend stolen away by her own mother. How embarrassing is that? I will go ahead and answer that question for you. It is absolutely humiliating and I would not wish anything like that on my worst enemy. Actually I probably would since mt worst enemy is now my boyfriend stealing, bitch of a mother who like young guys so much she probably hid a relationship with him for the whole entire time we were together.

I will not cry again, I will not allow myself to give them the win by crying over them again. I just lay there, hating my mother, wishing I could take back my entire relationship with Will. I lost my virginity to him for crying out loud, sure I slept with other people when we would break up for a couple months, but my on and off again boyfriend of 3 years, left me for my own mother. If thoughts could kill someone, they would both be dead. I probably would be as well.

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