Chapter 4.

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I stood up, my hand still on Sophie's hip and we elbowed our way out of the crowded kitchen and made our way to the living room, where the dance floor was.

As expected it was packed and I never want to know how many different puddles of unknown liquids I'd stepped in on my way there.

"So, Namjoon," Sophie asked me as she curled her hands around the nape of my neck and looked up at me, her green eyes sparkling because of all the Christmas-lights decorations still lit up. "Any new years resolutions?"

I pursed my lips together, giving it some real thought. What would I change about myself if I could? How could I have been a better version of myself this past year?

I must have been completely lost in thought because Sophie lay a hand on my chest and asked me with an amused tone, "Everything okay?"

"Sorry", I shook my head to draw my focus back to reality. "I've never realised the depth of that question," I couldn't help but laugh at the expression of sudden seriousness that coloured her features.

She blinked and the adorable girl was back and in full swing, "Well, my one goal is to get tickets for the opening of this new gallery in February."

I looked down at her and narrowed my eyes, "Really? That's your one and only wish?"

When Sophie looked back at me with feigned innocence, I almost believed her when she said, "Yes."

But the second her eyes darted to her right for a moment I knew there was more to it. But this time instead of asking her I just raised my eyebrows and waited. I couldn't cross my arms on my chest because they were on Sophie's hips and I only then realised we'd been standing in the middle of the dance floor this entire time.

"There might also be one tiny, little thing," Sophie said after a minute of us just staring into each other's eyes, waiting for who'll cave first. I was surprised no tease of lawyering-up again came from her.

"Yes?" I tilted my head and gave her the time she needed to answer.



Am I really going to tell him this? Is it better if I do? What if he gets weirded out by it? Ugh, I should have just kept my mouth shut.

Now Namjoon was looking at me expectantly and I had got myself into this, now I had to stand by it. But maybe I could somehow downplay it - it wasn't even a big deal to most people, right?

"It's just a silly idea I had before coming to this party," I brushed it aside, but of course, Namjoon could see right through it, and just kept quiet with an inviting and open expression on his face.

When he smiled gently as if to say I won't judge, I finally gave in. "Fine," I broke our eye contact and looked around the room. At all the couples - or just one-night-stands? - having the time of their lives, and felt a ping of jealousy. But what is stopping me from it, aside from myself? I reminded myself and faced Namjoon again.

"I made a deal with myself to be more carefree this New Years and to finally have a midnight kiss," I suddenly couldn't remember why I'd been afraid to see what Namjoon's reaction would be, because his smile spread so wide that his dimples showed and he said, "Then let's make sure you fulfil your last wish of the year."

My exhale was so obvious he had to bite his lips to stop from smiling at me and my nervousness, and rather than saying anything more, he spun me around and I finally heard the music for the first time since we'd come to the living room.

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