Clone High

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"I'm y/n.  I transferred here from Walt Academy: for Academic Excellence. I hope I can become good friends with you all." I look nonchalantly towards the teacher, Who introduced himself as Mr. Bidner, sighs out, "Any questions for y/n, here?" 

He looks exhausted. I feel for this man. I frowned a bit and ran a hand through my short, soft, and unkempt and fluffy hair, which was styled to look like I let it run wild. I scanned the classroom with my intense e/c eyes, and crashed them onto a boy around my age with cheeks that seemed to be getting pink. He raised his hand. I turned to my teacher who audibly sighed, then pointed at the boy saying in a slightly higher pitched voice, "Yes, Mr. Kennedy? Please, no dumb questions..." The Kennedy boy slightly smiled and asked, "What is your, er uh, class schedule?" 

I felt my cheeks glow at his cute accent, which sounds... bostonian? I opened my mouth, prepared to answer his question. I closed it again, because I don't remember jack shit about that list. I dug through my pants pockets, and pulled out the neatly folded paper. I unfolded it, and read, "1st is Mr. Bidner, 2nd is Mr. Pollock, 3rd is Mrs. Young, 4th is Coach Russell, 5th is Ms. Chan, 6th is Mrs. Guido." I looked up from my paper to Kennedy, who had the most adorable smile with shimmering green eyes. "You have the same schedule as me! We're gonna be best friends!" He said in an excited, high pitched tone. What seemed to be his close friend, who kinda looked like John Travolta from grease, pat his back. 

The excited boy then asked, "Do you, er uh, wanna walk to next class with me?!" I blushed a deep red. I was not expecting people to be nice to me on the first day of school. "U-Uh, sure!" I nervously said with a shy smile.

"Mr. l/n? Choose a seat, please." Kennedy patted the seat next to him enthusiastically while giving me a close-eyed, toothy smile. I stepped over to him, and sat. I pushed up the sleeves to my hoodie to my mid-arm, just enough to hide my shot holes from injecting my testosterone this morning. And my chest still kinda hurts from top surgery. But, those tits are gone... that's all that matters. 

It seemed as soon as I took my seat, a girl who had a greatly proportioned body with tan skin, and dark brunette hair, walked over to me, and leaned on my island desk. She gasped, and smirked. She said, "Hiii. I'm Cleopatra, what's your name, handsome?" I blushed a bright pink, and said "M-My name is y/n." By the time I finished speaking, she was already tracing my sharp, prominent jawline. 

She leaned into my ear, so I could smell her Burberry perfume, and whispered "I like that name... It suits you." She leaned back to her normal stature, and walked back to her desk to the far right of the classroom. Kennedy sighed, and looked at me "Don't even bother paying attention to her. That broad goes after anyone." He scoffed. 


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