chapter 3 the party

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(Kaido's pov)
I did not reread this so prepare for misspelling.

"Mom I'm home" I said as I took off my shoes

"sweetie I'm glad your ho- where you crying" dang it I should have splashed water on my face.

"Yeah but it does not matter" I should have said no

"brother" I heard a voice say then Toki came running down the stairs

"no running Toki" mom said. He ignored her and came up and hugged me.

"Hey buddy how was your day?" I asked him and hugged him back

"it was awesome" he looked so happy.

"That's awesome buddy I need to go and talk to Sora okay?"

"Ok" I walked up the stairs and to her bedroom *knock knock knock* I have to make sure I'm allowed to come in.

"Yes?" Sora said as she open her door

"can I come it?"

"Sure" she moves to the side to let me in.

"So what do you need?" She asked me as she sat down on her bed

"see how do I put this-"

"let me guess you found out your feelings for Kubayasu" wait what how did she know?

"well yeah but I need help sneaking out tonight" I said and looked down at my feet how the fuck did she find out.

Was I that obvious?

"Ah I see. I'll help you sneak out with your boyfriend"

"Sora that's not funny"

"what aren't you and him dating?"

that question kept me silent for a couple minutes.

"He does not like me"

"oh I'm sorry"

"it's not your fault he doesn't like me"

"I know but I feel really bad for some reason"

"so are you going to help me sneak out or nah?"

"Yeah I guess I help you"

"do you have a plan Sora?"

"Yes I do" she said and put her hand on her hip

"what is the plan?"

"I'll tell you the plan if you tell me why you look like you been crying"

"fine I tell you"


"Guys I got a call from work" mom said walking into the living room. I was playing with Toki and Sora sitting on the couch on her phone

"can you babysit Toki for me Kaido?"

"Yeah sure"

"great thanks I got to go bye"

"bye" Mom walked out of the living room and put her shoes on and walked out the door

"bye mom" Sora screams to mom before shutting the door

"was that part of your plan?" I asked her as I put a show on for Toki and walked to her

"yes it was" she said and walked to the kitchen"

"but how thought" I asked following her

"I just asked her boss to give mom the night shift for tonight duh"

"now get ready your crush will be here soon" she smirked and walked into the living room

"I got Toki now go"

"fine only because you said so" I walk upstairs and go to my room I'm going to wear something casual so I won't look like I was trying to impress him.

I found some black ripped jeans and a white hoodie it looked casual. I walked down stairs and look at the time I have 30 minutes I'll write a note to tell Sora some stuff like Toki needs to be in bed by 8:00 pm and stuff like that.

When I finished there was 5 minutes until he'll come so I'll just wait. Kuboyasu just arrived and I'm as nervous as I'll ever be. I open the door to let him in

"hey you ready to go?" He said looking at me


"okay then let's go" he took my hand and pulled me to the car I got in and we were on are way the party.


We arrived to the party there where a lot of people in here some where making out, some where getting drunk at the bar.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask him

"hmmm how about we get something to drink" he dragged me to the bar and handed a beer to me

"I'm not old enough I'll just have a water" I said he looked at me and said

"fine shot yourself" and he started drinking the beer.


We where about a hour in the party right now we are talking about stuff not to mention he is half drunk so sometimes he knows what he is doing and sometimes he does not.

"Yo Kaido do you think I'm mean?" He asked me

"of couse not" I laughed after I said that. Next thing he did was grab my chin and pulled me in and he KISSED ME?!! After that he ran away.

I'm confused did he mean that or was he drunk? This is the worst/best day of my life. Saiki speaking Your probably wondering where I am I just been watching like with my power I can read mines as you know and I read kaido's mine I'm not shocked that he feels this way about Kuboyasu I mean I thought they where dating till now. I mean it's like a live show that no one can spill for me so I'll just watch and enjoy the show


It's been a week sense that happened and we haven't talked I just think he does not know that happened or he knows and just does not want to talk to me. *ding* my phone went off it's Kuboyasu texted me.

Meanie🥺💖: hey can I tell you something? It's important

Me: yeah what is it?

Meanie🥺💖: so...

Me: tell me already

Meanie🥺💖: ok jeez
me and heather are dating😁

Yes now a good cliff hanger oop- I'm actually excited to see where this goes lol have a nice night/day

962 words


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