Chapter 1 - Daddy Issues

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Caylus loved Kiera, no like, he was actually IN LOVE with her. He didn't think he would fall this hard for her, but God was she amazing. He was in love with everything about her  : her smile, her laugh, even her awkwardness. So when things don't go his way, he has to decide between two options that will change his life forever.

It was the first Thanksgiving with his family and Kiera, he was a bit nervous since his family could be quite  judgemental when it comes to the girls that he brings home, but he was sure Kiera was the one to win them over. They hadn't came to his family's Thanksgiving dinner for 2 years now ,(as long as he had been dating Kiera) so he was already in hot water with his family. Everything would be fine, as long as his mother had some wine and his dad had some beer they would love her, he assured Kiera.  He didn't fully believe that himself but it was worth a shot, finally after some pep talks from one another, they walked in what would essentially later become their hell.

Kiera was immediately met with judgemental looks as soon as she walked through the door. She smiled feebly at Caylus' mother who immediately her shot back a hard, long stare. This wasn't good at all. She and Caylus exchanged nervous looks and sat down next to each other with Caylus' parents directly opposite them. Caylus lived in a small house in Washington that would have been considered cozy if it weren't for the people that lived there. His parents weren't always like this though, Caylus guesses that ever since he started bringing girls home, his parents were afraid of "losing" their last born son. You would've thought that after two other sons they had to say goodbye to that they would know how to handle this well. But alas, here they were, Kiera was already beginning to crack under the pressure and Caylus was beginning to look like a nervous wreck. They couldn't even eat their food. The awkward silence was becoming unbearable now. Caylus could see Kiera in the corner of his eye, he turned around and their eyes met, hers were begging for mercy, begging for him to help her, but unfortunately, Caylus couldn't do much against his parents and Kiera seemed to understand by the way Caylus was lookng at her and looked away and proceeded put on a brave face, Caylus thanked her by squeezing her hand, but the action was also trying to reassure her that everything would be okay. Some words were shared between Caylus and his parents but as soon as Kiera began to answer a question she was asked Caylus' mother gasped in shock. She immediately turned to Caylus and said ,

"A British one? I thought we had already established that the British were nothing short of a nuisance to our family, remember our neighbours?"

Caylus bowed his head down in shame, unable to answer for his "mistake". His mother shot Kiera one more disapproving look before walking out of the room in disgust, as if the room was filled with rodents. Kiera, who's lips were beginning to tremble and brave face beginning to fade away, was at her breaking point. She looked around the room one more time, staring the most at Caylus, his eyes told the whole story point blank : 

He would visit her after he tried to deal with his parents

This was all the permission she needed. She ran out of the room crying, Caylus couldn't do anything more than watch her, his arms were longing to comfort her and cocoon her from the world, so that nothing bad could never happen to her again. He wanted to protect her and love her unconditionally without having to worry about what his parents would think, but at this point it seemed nearly impossible. He looked at his father, who had only spoken a few words the whole dinner. He seemed deep in thought the entire time. His father looked down then looked back at Caylus sternly, he gave him two impossible choices :

Break up with Kiera, the light of his entire being, the woman who made him giddy with joy every time he would look at her, the one woman whos touch could make Caylus melt against her, the woman whom he planned to marry, protect and serve until the day he died, basically, the love of his life


Be disowned, thrown away like a piece of trash, he would be looked down upon by his family, banished from their household never to ever dare step foot in there again. Everyone would look at him as if he was a foreigner, like he was a plague they needed to get away from, news did spread fast in his neighbourhood. 

He looked at his father incredulously. Surely he wasn't serious? Hadn't he fallen in love before, didn't he know how he felt? His father only stood up and said one more thing to him,

"You have until tomorrow to decide, otherwise we'll assume you do not want to be part of this family anymore, goodnight son."

He didn't have time to argue with his father because he could hear Kiera ugly crying outside, he smiled sadly to himself, knowing that this might be the last time he ever comforts her.

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