Chapter 5

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We ended up talking the entire lunch when the bell for my maths class finally went and I got up and walked out.

I arrived at my maths class and sat down at the front and waited for class to begin.

Matthew sat next to me which I got confused about and he smiled at me.

"Hey." He smiled

"Hey." I said

Tricia walked in and glared at me which I knew was a bad look.

On the other side of me Toby sat down and glared at Matthew which surprised me.

"Alright guys write down what's on the board please." She said

I began writing down what was on the board when my seat got pushed and I fell onto the floor and smashed my head onto the table.

"Are you okay." Matthew said kneeling next to me

My head was ringing and when I got up I felt my head and it was bleeding.

"Miss Davis go to the office now and miss Thompson go to the nurse." The teacher says

"I'll take her." Toby said

"No I will miss." Matthew said

"Both of you go." She said

They both grabbed one arm each and lifted me up and walked towards the nurses office.

We arrived and I sat down as they were told to leave and my eyes closed.

"Miss Thompson." I heard

I open my eyes to see the nurse looking at me worried

"Are you alright." She asked

"I don't know." I sigh

She helps me up and I decide to head to my tutoring session with Matthew.

I make it to the library and sit down waiting for him to come.

He walks towards me and sits down next to me and smiles.

"Are you okay." He asks

"Yeah." I smile

2 hours later I get up and grab my things and head towards the carpark waiting for my siblings.

They finally come and I unlock the car and get in pulling out of the carpark.

We arrived home 10 minutes later and I got out of the car locking it.

I unlocked the front door and walked in heading upstairs to my room.

I opened my door and walked in and laid down on my bed sighing.

I don't understand why she hates me so much she has since my first day of kindergarten when Matthew and I used to be best friends before he got popular and I became the nerd of the school.

I still remember being the outcast in year 8 with no friends and then the new girl Rihanna moved to my school and during pe class Tricia pushed me over and Rihanna yelled at her and we became friends instantly.

We have been friends ever since and it's been almost 5 years since that day and Rihanna is still my best friend!

I laid on my bed for 2 hours when I realised the time is 6:00 pm and the party starts soon so I head for the shower.

I undress and let the warm water hit my head as it stings and I sigh.

Once I'm finished my shower I get out and head back to my room to get dressed.

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