Chapter 6

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The group walked through the forest and onto the long winding path that led to Moondoor cliffs, Kestrel running ahead, Cora chatting with Seraphina, Mia yelling at Kestrel to "Slow down or I will smite you with a big tornado thingy!"

Once they arrived at the base of the cliffs, Bjorn, who was waiting for them, handed them each a long coil of thick rope, a helmet, and a harness.

"So, we'll be climbing Moondoor Cliffs today. Rock climbing is an extremely dangerous activity, so you will need to work together to stay safe. Remember, teamwork makes dreamwork!"

Cora was tempted to shoot flames at him after he said that phrase, but she restricted herself to giving him the most burning glare she could manage. She concentrated so hard on her evil death stare that it felt as if her

eyes were glowing. Wait – it wasn't just her imagination – Cora's eyes were lighting up! They had turned a bright amber and were flickering like flames. She caught her reflection in a pool of water and gasped.

"What's wrong?" asked Seraphina, stepping towards her. Cora glanced at her reflection again, but her eyes were back to their usual deep brown.

"It's nothing, don't worry..." she muttered.

They all pulled their harnesses on (Again, Kestrel's had to be exchanged for an extra small one.) and inserted the rope into the harness, tying it securely. Henrik's rope had to be untangled about five times, however each time, he would sit on the ground and refuse any offers of help. Eventually he was forced to ask Bjorn to do it. After they had all put their helmets on, they started to clamber up the cliff. Cora and Kestrel particularly seemed to be enjoying it, going quite fast and swinging about on little crevices of rock.

"Guys be careful! We're high up now, you could fall! And as much as I hate you sometimes, I don't want you to die!" shouted Henrik, from below. He wasn't particularly strong, or tall, but he had better-than-average endurance, so he had been climbing steadily since the start.

Cora and Kestrel, however, didn't listen to a word she said. They continued to go far too fast and far too high.

A piercing scream filled the air, and as the group turned their heads, they saw Cora hanging from the rope, a frown on her face.

He caught movement in the corner of her eye. Someone was falling as well! He couldn't make out who it was until he saw the trademark blonde hair.


Who else would it be?

Kestrel untied her rope and threw herself off and dove after her, as the others screamed. A moment later, a grinning Kestrel whooshed up with a

gasping Cora having a piggy- back. Kestrel put Cora back on the cliff and swooped into the air like an eagle.

"THIS IS SO FUN!!!" She cried.

Cora shot flames into the air once again.

"I've been practising all night and I think I've finally got the hang of it!" she cried, waving her hands this way, and making the flames swirl as if they were alive. Seraphina gasped.

Cora laughed. Suddenly she started feeling strange. A tingling sensation started in her hands, where the fire was dancing. It spread along her arms, heating them up, and caressed on down her back. Her skin felt as if it was getting hotter, almost burning!

"Cora!" someone shouted from behind. She didn't see who. "You're on fire! And I mean that literally!"

Cora looked down and true enough, her entire body was engulfed in burning orange flames. Her hair swirled about her face in sparks of heat, and her skin glowed gold. Her clothes seemed not to be affected by the fire though. Cora breathed out slowly and looked at the others. They had all made it to the top of the cliff and were standing. Staring.

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