Chapter 10

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Cora awoke to find a sheet of paper lying across her face.

She snorted and the sheet blew off, before floating back onto her face.

Cora peeled it off and held it in front of her, as if it had a contagious disease.

Reached the Jeger. Not safe. Go back to Moondoor.


"Not safe?!" Cora laughed, "Is that really supposed to put us off?!"

"What's going on, Cora?" Mia asked from outside.

"Henrik has decided that it isn't safe anymore and that we should go back to Moondoor." Cora said in a mocking tone, stepping out of her tent, fully dressed.

Mia scoffed. "Like we would do that!"

Seraphina also had woken up, she was perching on a rock, stretching in the sun.

"So, what's the plan?" she asked.

"Find Aquila again, find where all the elementals have been taken." Cora explained.

"How on Earth are we supposed to go to Sweden and back?" Mia questioned.

"I'm Spirit, remember. I can teleport us." Cora said with a smile.

Mia rolled her eyes, "You don't know how to."

"I'll just practice, then."


"Cora, you've tried... like fifty times now. It's not working." Mia said, lying on the rock with Seraphina, who had fallen asleep.

"Look, do you want to figure out what's going on or not!" Cora exclaimed.

"Well... Let me think... No." Mia said, rolling her eyes.

Cora hissed and shot her hands out in front of her again, picturing the swirling gold circle and Aquila's theatre room.

A faint glowing circle hovered in the air.

"Look, guys, come on!" she cried, already stepping into the teleportal.

Mia's eyes widened and she slapped Seraphina, who bolted upright, with a scowl on her face.

It soon vanished when she spotted the glowing ring.

Mia and Seraphina followed Cora into it.

In a blink, they appeared in a familiar looking place.

But it wasn't Aquila's room.

It wasn't in Sweden at all.

"Seriously," Mia scowled, "How inaccurate can you get!?"

"It's not my fault. Obviously, one of you were thinking of Moondoor." Cora complained, putting her hands on her hips, and glaring at them both.

"Cora," Seraphina began, "It doesn't work like that."

"Since when did you start being the expert of teleportals?!" she snapped.

"Cora." Mia started loudly, "Calm down."

"Calm down?! Why should I calm down? You're the ones being stupid!" Cora hissed, her eyes flaring up.


"Yeah," Mia agreed, "We could have just flown there on Clover!"

Cora narrowed her eyes, "Oh, so it's going to be like that is it?"

Cora spun on her heels, "Well, I don't need you. I'll go to Aquila – MYSELF." she marched off to Ember and down to the woods.

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