To All The Authors Out There

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Hello everyone I'd like to share something important.

A few days ago i got a message from some one claiming to be an Author Liaison Representative and is offering me a non-exclusive contract.

It goes somewhat like this;

It goes somewhat like this;

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Someone claiming to be an Author Liaison representative for webnovel reach out to me and offered me a contract.

Now lets jut get to the point here,

After some digging, i found that a lot of people had received messages like this, regardless of their following. While that is certainly fishy, but 'Bintang' never asked me for any money in order to engage in the contract or any sort so i don't think it's a scam. And webnovel itself is, at least from what I've seen, a real platform for authors. With a few of the popular novels there ive read myself.

So initially i don't doubt this message, but i don't reccomend agreeing to it too. While there is no certain testimony claiming these messages are fake, and there are no victim yet, there's no harm in doing a little bit of research.

If you happen to get this message, i suggest asking the person and reading the contract thoroughly first. Make sure you are not in anyway at a disadvantage by signing te contract.

Just a heads up, from what I've read of other's claims on facebook, the contract might include handing over full control of your book, which means copying, publishing, marketing, etc. all in the hands of the person you signed contract with. While it sounds bad, but i know some of you are not bothered by that (myself included). Also a heads up, I've read that these Author Liaison representatives are known to ghost their authors after some time. And many have also been upset that nothing had been done to their books(E.g chapters not published, books left abandoned, no contacts, etc.).

I myself haven't responded to 'Bintang', and tbh, my social anxiety is stopping me from doing so. But if you happen to get these messages too, please do some research beforehand. Don't engage in some unnecessary binds that will potentially harm you.

I am not accusing Webnovel of being a scam, but offers like these are too good to be true so please reconsider and knowledge yourself with how the contract works. And make sure the person has full commitment and will not just leave you in the dust.

That's it for now, be careful everyone and it would be great if you guys can spread this information around! And if some of you have some experience like this, don't hesitate to share!!!

(P.s, sorry I've been bitching around i swear i am working on some chapters ('>v<) trying to make them longer lol)

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