Part One

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I carried a box twice as heavy as the one Riley carried down the frozen cold and snow covered alley. Making our way to the back doors of the hotel to drop them for the event planner we both huffed and puffed. I was freezing my butt off and was tired. I still needed to go home and change for the event in three hours. We wrestled our ways in the door and dropped the boxes. "I have to find Cindy, then we'll leave." I nodded to Riley after she spoke. She wandered off to find the event planner while I shook my arms trying to regain feeling in them. I now wanted to smack myself for volunteering to help an hour ago when I went to pick up Riley only to find a frantic Mrs. Sift.

She was pacing the kitchen on the phone trying to get ahold of someone at the event to come get the last two boxes that had accidently been left behind that the event planner needed. I saw her and felt bad knowing the women had done so much for me in the years I'd been friends with her daughter. The words were off my tongue before I could stop them. "What can I do to help?" Those words had always gotten me into trouble before. She froze and looked at me with a look of great gratitude. I agreed to take the boxes with Riley and I and drop them off here at the Hotel before going home to dress.

So here we were, dropping the boxes thirty minute in the opposite direction of my house before going to my house to get dressed. Riley came back into view, "Cindy said to leave them here, she will come and get them in a bit." she huffed heading for the door.

I grabbed her hand stopping her, I gave her a look. "Seriously Hunter she did," she sighed dramatically.

"Riley this wont be like last time will it?" I ask her slowly knowing I was annoying her but not caring.

"Jesus, if you want to go find her and confirm I spoke to her fine I will be waiting in the car," with that she pulled her hand away and took off out the door we came in.

I stood there a moment feeling indecisive. Riley's mom, Mrs. Sift, prided herself on these parties. She was known for them. It was like a full time job for her and she knew if one decoration was out of place or was missing. Two weeks ago at this very hotel she was throwing her annual Christmas party and sent Riley here to tell the planner to change the color of the flowers. Riley came and after five minute of looking couldn't find her and left. Also not alerting her mother she didn't tell her. So an hour before the party Mrs. Sift arrived and the flowers being wrong freaked out. She spent that hour before guest arriving having a total melt down and claimed the party had been ruined.

Shaking the memories from my head I turned trusting my best friend and walked out the door we came through. In the car the heat was turned up. I slide in the driver side absorbing as much warmth as I could. Riley gave me a side eye. I knew her mother had stressed her over this event. She always urged Riley to take notes and help her so she could be as accomplished a wife herself one day but I knew Riley, being a man pleasing house wife wasn't something she aspired to.

The car ride started off silent and before long I knew she would burst. I watched the snow covered road and drove slowly and cautiously. Five or so minutes into the drive Riley burst, "I seriously cant handle another party! They are fun to attend but dealing with mom being a wreck and making everyone miserable I just cant. I have been at my parents house for weeks now trying to help her but she gets too overbearing about it all. I miss my room and I miss the condo!" She rants. I just nod along. They did have a nice condo. Her and her brother Taylor had a beautiful high rise condo in the city.

I myself still lived in my childhood home with my three older brothers. Riley and I were similar like that we both were close with our siblings. "I get things can get tense. At least its done now. The party is in a few hours and then this is the last one until summer." At my words she sighs in relief.

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