𝑆𝑝𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑈𝑠..

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Muse A works in espionage, a very elite department that for all intents and purposes, does not exist. They are the very best at what they do, but always work alone. Muse B functions within the same secret department, and although they are a few years Muse A's junior, their skill set rivals that of Muse A. One particular mission comes across that seems to be tailor made for Muse A, with one catch. In order to infiltrate an international weapons ring run by a suspected corrupt ambassador, they cannot act alone, but rather need to assume the identity of an international weapons inspector with a wavering sense of duty - including their devoted spouse (or professional associate), Muse B. This mission will extend on for an undetermined amount of time as Muse A and Muse B work together in the foreign country to gain the trust of the ambassador and gather the concrete proof they need to confirm suspicions. It's a never-ending whirlwind of black tie galas and the finest cocktails, rubbing shoulders with the most influential, lies and deceit, as they gather the information required to bring the underground ring crumbling down. Purely by nature, the spies are reluctant to act as a cohesive whole, but duty demands they watch the other's back at all times and maintain the facade.

As time goes on will they warm up to each other and come to appreciate their talent and skills or will they simply wait for the other to make a grave mistake and leave an opening to eliminate their strongest competition? It's easy enough to make it look like an accident..

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