Chapter 3

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Two days had passed since the fatal murder, and still no evidence has been found. The knife didn’t have any indications of DNA. The investigators were completely lost. Nothing backed up their claims that Izuku was the murderer, so for the time being they closed the investigation.

    “No.” A voice rang out. The investigation squad turned to see a man with Indigo hair and Cyan colored eyes. He was wearing a tan overcoat, black undershirt, and black pants. He looked serious, a scold on his well-structured face. He walked around the oval table to stand on the end, right in front of the large television. The team looked at him, all confused, as he stared right back. “My name is Hirohito Nakamura, and as of now, I’ll be taking charge.” 

    Another man seated at his desk stood up abruptly. “What? You can’t just walk in here and-” His boss signaled him to stop by putting an arm in front of him. The man shut his mouth and sat back down. Hirohito smirked and placed his palms on the table. 

    “Well I’m here now. You are the ones who asked for help, correct?” Hiro looked at the boss for affirmation. When the boss nodded everyone was furious, they were sighing and whispering amongst themselves. “Listen up.” His voice was stern and loud, getting everyone’s attention. “I came all the way from America, I’m not leaving here until this case is solved.”


    “Alright everyone, let’s back this story up to the beginning.”


    The whole area was talking about Izuku. Did he actually kill his mother, was he kidnapped. Yet neither of them was true. It was obvious that he had to keep a low profile, put disguises on to even walk outside. These past days were the hardest of his life, he’s practically starving, hasn’t had any real food in a day. So he went to a noodle restaurant. 

    He had his hoodie over his distinctive green hair and wore a mask, this covered up most of his face, so the only real thing showing were his eyes. He also chose a table far away from everyone else, which happened to be a window seat. It was nice. He got to enjoy a hot bowl of ramen and look outside. 

    It was a calm day, no signs of a storm, no wind, and the perfect temperature to be outside. And it was a Thursday, so nobody was really walking around. Izuku smiled and took the last bite from his ramen. He always loved ramen, but not as much as him moms Katsudon. She used to make it when Izuku was having a bad day, it would cheer him right up. She used to call it his “food medicine.” 

    People turned their heads to look at Izuku. ‘Must’ve said it aloud…’ He hummed and set a 20 down for the food and the tip. Then stood up walking past people as they were mumbling about him. Rolling his eyes he left the restaurant and started walking down the sidewalk. The Motel wasn’t very far from there, which was the reason for choosing this place. 

    He stopped in his tracks. Something didn’t feel right. Curiously he looked around him, getting the eerie feeling that someone was stalking him. He didn’t see anyone for miles. Confused he kept walking.


    “Phew, he almost caught me~” She came out from the alley she was hiding in. If it weren’t for the old hobos in there, she would’ve been caught.

     Her hair was black with streaks of blonde running down. Her unique bangs ran were cut diagonal on both sides making a point. She had black bunny ears flopping out of her hair and even a cut little bunny tail popping out of her dress. Umi Hayashi was a bunny for her quirk. As funny as it sounds, she was far more powerful than one would think. 

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