Chapter 4

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-Mentions of suicide
-Domestic abuse


-Umi- 10 years ago- [Her original hair color is white and it was long back then]

Umi was around 10 when her father had died, 3 weeks before Christmas. That Christmas was the worst, she received her last Christmas present from her father. Everyday she would come home from school and see that doll on her shelf, it was agonizing. If only she could see the look of joy on his face when he saw her playing with it, walking it around and dressing it, driving it around with the doll car. He would sometimes even sit next to her and play with them too.

The week after New Years, she returned to school. It was like looking at sad puppies all day. Every kid knew about her loss and all day she received puppy eyes and sad little pouted lips. She constantly felt singled out. Umi lowered her head and walked looking at the ground. Umi couldn't bear to see one more puppy eyed kid.

She hadn't paid attention to where she was walking and bumped into someone really hard, causing not only her to fall, but the other person as well. Immediately she got back up, apologizing like crazy, and holding out her hand to the kid. When they locked eyes she began to freak out. She just knocked over Ren Takahashi, he was apart of the popular kids clique.

Umi bowed before him, "I'm so sorry Ren, I wasn't paying attention!" She exclaimed. He laughed and got up using the wall next to him. He stood in front of her, looking her up and down, checking for injuries. Then carefully he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's fine." This seemed to calm her down, as she lifted her head from her hands. Ren smiled and rubbed his neck, then proceeded to stick his hand out. "It's nice to meet you, Umi." Astonished, Umi shook his hand. He turned around and began to run to his friends.

"How did he know my name??"

Over the next few years they slowly got closer and closer, and finally at age 18 they started dating. It was perfect for a long time, but around age 19 he became mean. He was yelling more and starting arguments with her, and not before long he hit her. October 18th was the first time that he hit Umi.

"I told you I'd be coming home late!" He yelled across their shared apartment. Umi was in the kitchen at the time, cleaning up the dinner she made hours ago, while Ren was across the counter watching her clean. Prior to this Ren had made a promise that he'd come home early enough for dinner, but he showed up at midnight drunk out of his mind.

"You promised me you'd be home before dinner. Do you even remember that?" Umi asked loudly, while she put her rag down and turned around to face him, her body leaning against the sink. Ren became furious and walked around the counter.

"I'm a grown man, I can do what I want, whenever I want!" He yelled in her face. She backed up farther, her upper half hanging over the sink. "Do you have a problem with that?!"

"Yes I do have a problem, I made dinner for you. You could've told me you weren't coming home, so I don't have to waste food for you." Umi explained. Ren gritted his teeth at her and swung his palm at her face. Umi yelped and held her face in pain, looking up terrified at her boyfriend.

"Don't talk back to me women!" He shouted. Umi pushed him aside and ran to her room in tears. Slamming the door she made sure to lock it and slid down the door. Hugging her knees to her chest she began to cry.

Later she convinced herself that this was a one time thing and that it wouldn't happen again. But it continued for one more agonizing year of constant terror.

Somewhere along the line she had met a guy named Dabi. The first time they met was when she turned 20. She had been at a gun shop, purchasing a handgun.

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