Chapter 5

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~~~~~~~~~~~2 Years Back~~~~~~~~~~~

The league was at a bar (this is when they weren’t widely known), and everyone was drunk and dancing around except Dabi and Umi, who were sitting at their booth. Suddenly Dabi laced his arm around Umi’s neck and got closer to her. He leant down and whispered in her ear.

“How’s it feel to be 21?” He asked her drunkenly. She peered over at her boyfriend, seeing his eyes drooping a bit. She lightly smiled at him and took a sip of her drink.

“Not much different from 20.” She replied. Dabi scoffed at her and took his arm off of her. Confused she looked back at him. He was trying to stand up but was failing graciously. Laughing a bit she stood up herself. “Did you want a refill?” Umi asked. Dabi fell back into his seat and looked up at her.

“Yeah, can you get me one?” She nodded and took his and her glass. The bar was just across the dance floor, so the easiest way was to go through the middle of it. Taking a deep breath, she weaved her way through the dancing drunken adults, who all smelled heavily of alcohol. 

Just barely making it out alive, she found herself at the bar. When she walked up to the stand, she felt eyes on her. It wasn’t uncommon at all, especially since she was at a bar with tons of guys roaming around. She was very attractive after all. Umi told the bartender her order and sat at one of the stools. 

The feeling had stopped which relieved her a bit. She could feel her ears droop down, as her body released it’s tension. Her eyes roamed around the area, seeing tons of different alcoholic beverages line the walls behind the bartender, the whole area was lit blue and green which gave off a gentle feel to it. It kind of reminded her of the sea.

Then her eyes wandered to the seats next to her. A couple of older men were sat next to her right side, when she turned her head to the left she was met with a very large man. He was staring right at her. ‘How long has he been staring at me?’ She thought as she looked him up and down. He emitted a very creepy vibe, so to avoid him she looked back at the bartender, hoping he’d hurry up. 

“Umi.” The man called out. Her eyes widened. She hasn’t heard her real name being used in about a year now. Once she joined the league they gave her a code name, which was Bunny. Ever since then she was called Bunny, never by her real name. 

She whipped her head around to look at this strange man. He only kept staring at her, making her more paranoid. “Who the hell are you?” She questioned the taller man. The man just stared down at her like he couldn’t hear her at all.

“I know who you are and what you did. I know where you live, and I know what you are a part of. I know everything there is to know about you. Especially your little friends of yours. So if you don’t want yourself or your friends lives jeopardized, I’d say you listen up.” She silenced herself as he said this. A chill ran down her spine. She was scared once again. Scared for the first time after Ren’s death. 

“I need information from The League of Villains. So that one day I can take control. I have your number and will text you your duties from now on. If you don’t listen to my orders, I will have you and your friends killed in an instant. You got that?” Umi nodded silently. “Good.” Then without another word, he left. She stayed still for a moment, thinking about what was said. She carried that same scared expression on her face.

“Hey are you okay?” The bartender asked. Umi nodded her head. “Alright, well here’s your drinks.”

For the next few weeks, Umi has been stealing valuable information from Shigaraki. She didn’t want to do this at all, but she also didn’t want to get them killed. They meant to much to her. So for now all she could do was keep this a secret.

~~~~~~Day 5 after Inko’s death~~~~~~

Dabi sighed as he looked at a picture of him and Bunny. They had some amazing times together. It was hard to admit, but he missed her so much. He missed her warming hugs, her gentle kisses, basically everything. He set the picture down on his desk and started typing away on his computer.

Before he could finish typing, his door burst open and standing in the opening was no other than Shigaraki. “I found out where this kid might be.” Dabi rolled his eyes.

“This is the fifth time you’ve said that…” Dabi sighed out. Shi crossed his arms slightly annoyed.

“Yeah I know, but this time, we’ve got it.” 

“Okay, when are we heading out?” Dabi asked. 

“Around 7 tonight, he should just be getting back to the apartment.” 

Shigaraki has been hacking into different security cameras around the town, and first spotted Izuku on the 2nd day. He was walking to his motel at around 12 pm in the afternoon, he supposedly had lunch. For the next 3 days Shi watched Izuku head out around 6 and return by 7. They wanted to catch him before he got to his apartment, so that it would be easier. 

“Okay, I’ll start getting the supplies ready.” Shiggy nodded and walked away.

    While Dabi was working, he couldn’t help but think about Umi. When they first met, he immediately knew she was the one for him. Even when they started dating, he never doubted that they’d be together forever. He just wanted to know what changed. Did she change or was he just blind. Somethings he’ll just never know.


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Have a great night/day

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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