Chapter 15

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*3rd POV*

Every time the girls went to the park to have fun, Wheein and Hwasa always talked about plans to help Hwasa to be with DPR. You could see that Wheein, wasn't happy every time Hwasa mentioned him, her jealousy was taking over her, but she controls it. Wheein just wanted Hwasa to be hers, but just by being in her side she's happy. Like every other day, the girls went to the mini park to have fun, and like always, Hwasa and Wheein always talk separate from the rest.

*Wheein POV*

Me and Hwasa, went to our usual spot to talk, but instead of talking about the plan, we decide to talk about something else.

"Hey, Hwasa. What will you do if I wasn't here?" Shit, that slipped from my mouth. I just stay still and waited for an answer. I guess I was to desperate to be hers.

"Well, nothing. I would just talk to Moonbyul, or someone else, I guess." Ouch that fucking hurts, like if someone stab me.

"Oh, have you ever thought about suicide?"

"Yea, many times, but I didn't care to be honest."

"Oh, well last year I was about to kill myself but, I didn't because I wanted to see my lil sis growing," I told her, I mean it was true, but I wanted to be close to her. "Oh, and I cut myself so I can let the pain out, yk," I said showing my scars, while I was smiling. She slaps my arm saying to not do that anymore, and she cover it before the girls sees it.

"Don't show it to the girls, and don't do that anymore," she scolds me, but at least she shows affection to me just for a bit.

*so here is Wheein talking about her past"

When I was in middle school, I try to be the good girl in school. I thought I will be happy, but everything went wrong when I started to feel cold. I was always lonely, I had friends, but they were in different classes, which make me lonely. I didn't talk to no one, and I just wanted attention, I wanted people to look at me too, I wanted friends. The loneliness in me grew more and more, and the more it grew the colder I was. I was sitting in the bench outside school, and I saw how the kids were playing with each other, and how the girls were talking about boys and all of that, and here I was sitting alone. I saw something sharp, and then I remember that back in 5th, cutting your arms was like a challenge or famous to the 5th grader. I grab the sharp object and went to the restroom to wash it and to start cutting myself. I never felt this pleasure before, and I started to cut more, letting the pain go away. I could feel tears in my cheeks, but for some reason I felt better. The whole year I cut it myself, and to smoke, then I went to 8th grade, I was still lonely but still cutting myself to let the pain go away, and that's when I met Solar and Moonbyul. They notice I cut myself but understood me, and we become friends. They told me stop which I did but then again when I enter to high school, I started again, but hide it from them, my family, and from people. I quit in 10th grade, but then again when I met Hwasa, and my jealousy piled up, I decide to cut again.

*back to present time*

I hide the cuts with my sweater and went to playwith the girls just to have some fun.

A/N- wow deep, but u readers don't do that, is bad. well thx u and enjoy.

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