Crimson Flag - Gloriousvictory07

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Third place winner: Crimson Flag by Gloriousvictory07

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Third place winner: Crimson Flag by Gloriousvictory07

Letters to my ex Challenge 

Dear Ex...

I blame myself, really

I should have seen the flags

swaying crimson when I met you.

You were handsome


Devishly handsome

It was impossible to ignore you.

For one so flighty

you held me down

by the sheer power

of your presence

unleashing a side to me

I never knew I possessed.

Days without you

had been nostalgic.

Nights, a wonderland

in search of you.

I should have seen the flags

swaying crimson.

I should have.

For a bum with no goals

no dreams

no vision for the future

could such be a man?

Someone who made me

abandon myself

into the darkest abyss

so that when I stood before the mirror

the she who stared back at me

was a she

I could never recognise.

A stranger.

Should such opposites attract?

I should have seen the flags

swaying crimson

much earlier.

Much, much earlier.

But maybe, it was in the stars

to have met you.

In the stars to have experienced

all that you are.

And maybe, just maybe

our hearts were only stringed

for so long.

You glittered like gold!

Oh, the meer power

of your countenance!

But you were just clay within.

Yes, possessing the qualities to be moulded into form.

The form of a responsible man.

But never once pursuing the challenge.

So I'm glad we met.

Glad I got to know you.

But boy, am I glad

that I threw in the towel.

Glad I packaged you

in a box as fine as yourself

delivering you

at the doorsteps of my past

with that silent...

'goodbye' .

Forever never,

The one who got away.

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