Chapter 12

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Iris rang the doorbell of Caitlin's house only to find Savitar at the door.
"Savitar? Hey, is Caitlin there?"
He shrugged, "I don't know."
Before, Iris could say something, Caitlin came rushing out.
"Hey, sorry am I late? I swear I set my alarm at the right time..." As she got out the house, Savitar shut the door without saying goodbye. 
"Caitlin Snow, late? Never! But who cares about that. What's going on with you and Savitar? Barry told me about you little Christmas gifts," Iris said as they got into her car.
"Seriously? That was last year!"
Iris rolled her eyes, "it was only a few weeks ago."
"Few weeks ago or not, nothing's changed. We wake up, eat, and go about our separate ways."
"Well, this is Savitar we're talking about. He's as stubborn as they come, but he obviously cares about you. If you weren't being just as stubborn, y'all would've been together forever ago."
"Hey! Whatever. Enough talking about me, today is your day. Where's the bridal shop we're going to?"
"It's a bit out of Central City."
"I can't believe it, Barry and Iris...finally getting married. I remember when you were oblivious to his love and he'd come to Star Labs mopping about it," Caitlin laughed and Iris blushed.

The women parked outside of a fancy yet small bridal shop where they saw a blonde woman with glasses waiting for them.
"Felicity!" Caitlin and Iris shouted simultaneously and ran to huge their dear friend.
"Ohmygod, I've never been so excited to see two humans before."
"I hope I'm not late," Kara flew to the ground.
"Kara!" They all shouted excitedly and hugged one another.
They entered the shop and were immediately greeted by a short woman in a pink skater dress.
"Welcome to Jenning's Bridal. I'm Stella Jennings! How can I assist you lovely ladies?"
"Hi! Well I'm a bride to be in a couple of months and these three will be my bridesmaids."
"Perfect, this is going to so easy since you all are so beautiful."
"Oh stop, you probably say that to all your costumers," Felicity waved her hand.
Iris tried on 4 different wedding dresses, but didn't quite feel any of them until she tried on the fifth. It was a beautiful white sleeveless ball gown with lace at the neckline. She came out of the dressing room and Caitlin, Felicity and Kara beamed at each other.
"Iris, I think this is the one."
"You know what, Kara? I think you're right!"
After finding Iris' wedding dress, Caitlin, Felicity, and Kara found dark red dresses that seemed identical but had a unique design that suited each.
After they're long day of dress shopping, the women went to get their nails done.
"So, catch us up, how's Oliver, Felicity?"
"Urgh, please. I don't even want to think about him right now. I have no idea where we stand and he's not taking any initiative."
"What about you Kara? How's Mon-el?"
Kara rolled her eyes, "I really much rather talk about Caitlin. I heard you got someone new?"
Caitlin's eyes went wide, "now where did you heard that?" She glanced at Iris who shrugged.
Caitlin turned to Kara, "I thought I liked him, but it was just too much."
Kara nodded her head in agreement and Iris laughed.
"You girls are ridiculous! Y'all are so smart, yet you can't communicate with the guys that you like?"
"Okayyyy, I think that's enough boy talk for today," Kara said.
"Or maybe forever," Felicity drank her champagne and Caitlin nodded in agreement.

The next day, team flash minus Joe were at Star Labs talking about Nicholas Lockhart.
"He's being too quiet," Cisco observed.
"So, why not just ask him?" Without another word, Savitar ran to where they kept Nick, the others following a bit after.
"The whole team! A pleasant surprise, what can I do for you?" Nicholas smirked.
"Actually, it's what we can do for you,"Savitar stated with a smirk of his own and Nick, along with the rest of the team looked genuinely surprised.
"Savitar?" Iris quietly questioned at what he meant but Barry was quick to put a hand on her shoulder to stop her.
"Now what could you possible want from me?"
"We want to know how we can resurrect Stephanie."
"Why?" He huffed in mockery.
"To help you." This shocked the rest of team as much as Nick who didn't seem to recognize the shocked faces.
"Again I ask, why? After almost a month?"
Caitlin walked toward the glass,
"We didn't know exactly what we're dealing with, and honestly we still don't. As a biochemist, I'm certainly interested in resurrection, of course. And as a member of this team, it's my job to help people, so tell us what we need to do."
"Caitlin Snow. The selfless doctor. What if I said I needed you dead, would you kill yourself to help me?" Savitar took a step toward Nicholas in anger but Caitlin held out a hand to let him know not to interfere and he backed down.
Caitlin smiled, "if you wanted me dead, you'd have done that when you kidnapped me."
Nicholas nodded and smiled,
Barry stepped up in his Flash suit,
"Please, call me Nick, Flash."
Barry gritted his teeth and sighed,
"Nick. I understand exactly how you feel, if my wife-to-be were in any sort of danger, I'd do anything to protect her, I get it. You kidnapped one of my best friends, but I'm willing to oversee that because of your reason to do so. Here, we're all about second chances and we want to help you, so why don't you cooperate?"
"Can't give up a speech like that, now can I?" Nick sighed, "my wife is the most important person in my life. She had dreams and ambitions that I promised I would help her achieve and yet...I took them all away from her." He looked into the distance then shook his head and stood up a little straighter.
"There are four people I need," he took out a piece of paper from his pocket then put it in the food bin and Iris took it.
"Those are the names, find them and they'll have all the answers."
The team looked at each other unsurely. All they knew is that they're lives were to change significantly.

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