Chapter 49: Heart of Flames, Fear as Fuel

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Alicia Ascart went through one of the happiest days of her life.

 Before entering the Ascart House, the time that Alicia had with her loved ones had always been limited. Her father, Larthe, due to his duties in the Knight Order, was rarely home, so spending long dull days with the servants was her norm.

 But those days were broken the day her father suddenly left her.

 She was adopted by the man her father died protecting, Marquess Carter.

 In truth, Alicia did not have a good impression of Marquess Carter initially. No matter how mature or understanding she could be at other times, there was no way for her to reconcile herself with the situation and view favorably the man who took her father away from her.

 That was why she was always respectful but distant to Marquess Carter. That was the limit of her self-control.

 She treated Roel the same way during their first meeting too.

 Alicia had actually heard of the vile rumors surrounding Roel prior to their first meeting, which was why she was trembling with trepidation the first time they met. She was afraid that he would become her new nightmare, just like those many others she had met before.

 Thankfully, her worries proved to be unfounded this time.

 Roel treated her far better than her wildest imagination. She never had any siblings before, but based on what she knew about the circle of nobility, not even blood-related siblings would treat each other that well, not to mention that she was just an adopted child.

 Does he have some motive in mind?

 Such thoughts had come to Alicia more than once. She had also listened to the discussions of the servants, but the conclusion she arrived at was that the only thing he could get from her was this body of hers, which was still passable in looks.

 Is that it? Is my body what he wants? If that's the case, I guess it's all fine then.

 That was what Alicia, who craved love, thought. She didn't see any problems with entrusting her body to someone who treated her better than anyone else in the world. Rather, that was the compensation that he rightfully deserved.

 The young Alicia knew very little about the affairs between men and women and didn't quite understand what the notion signified, but she was aware of the lack of offspring in the Ascart House. She deemed it her responsibility to the house to bear children for Roel and raise them up.

 It doesn't sound too bad?

 If she could continue staying by his side and enjoy such bliss, she felt that such a trade-off was completely acceptable. After having a taste of the sweet poison known as happiness and affection, she couldn't bear the thought of returning back to her old days of pain and loneliness anymore.

 That was why she had resolved to devote herself to Roel and spend everyday in bliss. She thought that these days could go on forever until the end of time.

 But, old nightmares suddenly caught up. Once again, she found herself faced with the demon, Bron, and he tried to drag her back into the hell that she had barely escaped from. Just as she was about to drown in despair, Roel appeared once more and tore apart the vines entrapping her. He pulled her out from the darkness that was just moments away from engulfing her completely.

 That night, while Roel remained unconscious after the incident, Alicia insisted on staying by his side. She pondered many things, and before she knew it, a spark of flame had already ignited in her heart. It burned with irrepressible intensity, searing her in both body and mind. She felt like she was going to be set alight.

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