Alice's past

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Shout out to ItsALolbitShow (cause I like it) and please follow them.

Alice's POV

I was walking to circus Baby's pizza world with my friends Brandon and Ella cause It's Ella's 18th birthday today and she chose to go there which I haven't been there yet until now.

As we enter the building we sat down at one of the party tables then we sang happy birthday to Ella then decided to chat.

As we were talking Brandon left the table then after about 15 minutes he came back telling us to follow him so we did as we're told but he going where we're not supposed to go.

He leads us to a room for employees only then he opens the door for us to enter then he enters the then closes the door.

I remember that I was a boy before I change into a girl but my voice remains as a male and that I was accepted by my friends and family but some people don't accept others.

I heard something hit the ground then gas filled the air and when I inhaled it began to hurt inside so I immediately head to the door to open it but it was locked so I turned to see my friends on the ground not moving then my vision got blurry with darkness following it then I heard screams from outside of the room and that's what I remember.


I woke up and I could only see darkness so I got up but suddenly I was given night vision and I could see that I'm in a hallway and on my left side I saw an open door and when I look through it and I saw a chair and in front of it was a desk and on that desk were 3 mini televisions with nothing on them but just static, a plush yellow bear with black eyes and white dots for pupils followed by some kind of remote camera between its legs while wearing a mini purple top hat and bow tie, on its right side is a fan that is still running and on the wall where tubes can be seen and a poster of an animatronic clown girl with red hair that is tied to look like pigtails while wearing a red dress while her hand is in the air kinda looks like she was waving and next to her a baby animatronic and the word 'celebrate' could be seen above the animatronic clown girl, some kind of number keypad could be seen on the wall between the poster and one of the tubes that has a valve on it, I looked up a bit and saw a vent above the poster and televisions and I could the other door that is also open so I guessing it's one kind of office maybe.

I went into the room and look at the 3 mini televisions then I decided to put my hand on one of the screens but before I did that I noticed that my hand is not the hand I knew so around myself carefully and realized I'm an animatronic fox.

I continued to put my hand on one of the tv screens and as I did my hand went through it so I decided to put my whole body in it and as I entered the tv I thought I might fall but it seems I didn't but just floating around and I could see a lot of other static TVs from top to bottom but some displayed places I know and not, I looked around and there was a screen that displays 2 animatronics so I decided to go there. As I reached there I climb out of the tv and was met by a small pink animatronic bunny without legs and some kind of animatronic bear made entirely out of wires.

The wired bear animatronic woke up and its eyes glow in a yellow colour and it looked me so I look back at it, "who are you" it said with a bit of feat, "Alice" I replied, "what's your name" I asked, "Brandon" he replied, I'm glad he's alive, I help him to stand up then I look at the small pink bunny animatronic and it's already awake while its eyes glow a lime colour while looking at me, "Ella?" I said to it, "yep that's me" she said back, she looked at herself, "I have a few questions" She said, "what happens to my legs and arms and why am I small?" she asked, I examine her then and realized what she is, "you are a hand-puppet," I said to her, she was silent," and next to me is Brandon, he is a bear made of wires" I said, Brandon looked at himself and he too was silent," and I'm Alice" I said.

I walk to Ella and pick her up and placed her on my left shoulder and told Brandon to follow me and he did as told, we walked around trying to figure out where we are but suddenly we were met by another small animatronic but a little bigger than Ella, it looked like the baby animatronic I saw on the poster in the office before but its eyes are flashing this time.

"Who are you," I ask him, "I'm electrobab" he replied, "do you know how to get out of here?" I asked him, "yeah follow me," I said, we followed him then we heard someone/something entered the room so we decided to find somewhere to hide.

Brandon is hiding in the office with Ella, electrobab is hiding somewhere, I remembered I saw some kind of purple curtains with white stars on it so that's where I'm hiding.

As I hid behind the curtains I saw there are a few animatronics walking around so I waited until they left... After I heard their footsteps got quieter I got out of the curtains then I try to find my friends and electrobab.

As I was finding them I accidentally knock over something then I suddenly got teleported in front of the animatronics I saw before then I was able to know what they really look like.

Author: if you read the 2nd chapter you know what they look like.

"Can you help us get out of this room?" I ask them, "sure but-" one of them paused, then I saw my friends behind them.

See you on the next chapter

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