TWENTY-FOUR: Satisfaction

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A.N: Sorry for the late update again, I'm still dealing with surgery stuff. Next update might be a little late too but I'm hoping it's not

Ishin's rage could be felt from a mile away, poignant as if it were smoke in the air. From the moment he had caught sight of the Beast in Liman, his anger had not abated and Harudan had been wondering when he would come into his full potential. Of course, the God needed someone by his side to stop him when his anger took control and Harudan was more than happy to be that person.

That being said, calming down an enraged God was just as hard as it sounded. Ishin almost hadn't listened to him in the middle of the battle and for a long desperate moment, Harudan had been sure that they would lose Liman and the majority of his army. But then Ishin had seen reason, understood what the cost of his actions would be, and targeted only the Beast that was Promised.

It had been beautiful to watch the battle, especially from his position on Ishin's shoulder. The second time around, it had been slower, easier for him to understand what was going on, even with the carnage spread by Ishin. The contrast between the walls of the town, on fire and filled with screaming people, and the stronghold on the distance had taken his breath away. It had been so quiet by the stronghold, as if there had never been a battle. The only sign that there had been was the occasional piles of rubble from the trebuchets and catapults.

They'd stayed in Liman for a night, leaving a few battalions behind to make sure the people didn't rebel. Considering most of their soldiers were dead and the majority of the young and old had been on the water, Harudan doubted there would be much of a fight. His army had no boats to go and bring the others in so they would have to stay out there to starve and die of their own stupidity.

It didn't matter much to him anymore, not when he was so close. The majority of the towns he had taken hadn't fought back against the occupation of his army and when given the option, some had joined his ranks, like those in the border town he had visited with Jonin long ago. He had more than enough of the Askari on his side that when he finally took the throne, there would be plenty of people on his side.

The march to Ziya was a slow one, even when Ishin carried him. With every second, the butterflies in his stomach grew worse until they were a constant swarm that didn't allow him to keep down any food. He wanted to be there right that minute and not a second later, but they were still over a day away.

General Juna walked next to him, as silent as ever, while Ignis flew above him. Jonin should have been on his other side, but instead, all he had was the sword he would use to cut down King Ouron and his family when the time eventually came. All four of them. The King, his wife and their two children. He would finally be rid of all of them, the Princess included.

And while he did that, Ishin would get rid of the Beast that was Promised, the only thing that threatened to stop him. After that, everything would be the way it should be, with him running all of Vishera and looking after the people the way they should be. He didn't have the one person he wanted by his side, but at least he had achieved his goals. That had to be something, didn't it?

But there was nothing he wanted more than Jonin by his side. He would surrender to the Askari if it meant getting him back, but it was impossible and he had to learn to live with that. He would spend the rest of his life trying to make Jonin's sacrifice a worthwhile one.

Ishin had shrunk down to a form a few inches taller than him and hadn't said a word since they left Liman, just walked at his side like a sulking child. He had wanted to kill the Beast when they'd seen him in Liman, but he'd failed and Harudan knew that he was blaming him. If he hadn't stopped him from destroying the whole city, maybe the Beast would be dead.

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