Part 5- Kamijou

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Sayaka took a very deep breath. She stepped forward, and pressed the call-button on the security speaker. It was like she was a stranger to her own parents. Maybe she was, now.

"Mom? Yes, it's me. Yes, I am back."

She turned back to look at Kyouko, who nodded with a thin smile. Sayaka walked back over to her, and took her hands.

"Thank you."

Kyouko's smile turned into more of a smirk.

"Hey, this all isn't over you know. You still have me, and you always will. Just ...."

"I know. You want me to return to my 'normal life.' You want me to have something in case ... well, Walpurgisnacht goes ... badly."

There was a buzzing and clicking sound behind them.

"Hey, I ... gotta go. I'll text you tonight."


They stood together for a moment, before Sayaka leaned in to kiss Kyouko's lips. It was a quick kiss, and Sayaka was keenly aware that they had been watched. But it filled her heart with warmth, and she smiled widely.

"See you soon, my love," Kyouko said in a voice that made Sayaka shiver.


Sayaka turned, ran to and then through the glass doors, and disappeared. Kyouko stood there a moment, looking up at the window of Sayaka's apartment. After a few moments, as she suspected, Sayaka appeared there, waving. Kyouko waved back, before turning and wandering off.

"Jesus, what the hell is wrong with me? I'm acting like some kinda weird schoolgirl in love or something."

Kyouko shook her head. She was clearly not the type for girlyness or confessions of love, or any of that stuff. When she told Sayaka that she thought first of her self, then second of herself, and then third, of anyone else if there was room, she had meant it.

"Why all of that lovey-dovey shit, then?"

I've never been able to understand human emotions either, Kyouko. How can a certain flow of energy within your brain make you do things that are clearly against the best interests of your species, and your planet?

Got me, Kyuubey. I just spent the last two hours telling Sayaka how much I adored her, and how much I would miss her, but that it would be better for her if she returned home and started going back to school. I sure didn't sound like me. If it were me, I'd tell her to fuck school, fuck her parents, and then ... well, never mind the rest.

Perhaps it is some kind of mental deficiency, then? Some variety of insanity that renders human beings unable to correctly calculate what is in their best interests?

Oh yeah, it is that for sure Kyuubey. God in Heaven ... save us from love.


The blue haired girl blushed.

"Hello Madoka."

She hurried her steps to catch up to Madoka and Hitomi.

"Hey Sayaka. Where were you?"

"Hello Hitomi. I ... um ... have been sick."

"That's ironic," Hitomi said with a grin, "You'll never guess who is out of the hospital."


"Kamijou-kun! The doctors said he has made amazing progress with physical therapy."

Sayaka smiled.

"I knew it! I told him, in no time he would be walking and playing the ... Hitomi?"

She shrugged sadly.

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