Chapter 5

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Y/n: oh man, thank god it didn't drop below her chest"
I thought to myself as we heard a siren go off. Aikuro opened up the blinds and looked out the window towards the top before speaking.

Aikuro: oh, better get a move on, classes are about to start."

He then pulled the needles he threw at us off our bodies, I then turned away seeing as Ryuko was able to move again, but her blanket was falling down in the process, but she managed to catch it before she was gonna flash something

Aikuro then pulled out a Red Glove

Aikuro: You might want to take this crimson glove with you, it makes feeding your kamui.....easier."

Y/n: wow looks cool, the color matches with your uniform Ryuko."

Aikuro: By the way what about you? If you want to take down Satsuki, where is your Uniform?"

Y/n: oh I don't have one but I do ha---"

I got cut off by Ryuko taking the glove and pulling my arm

Ryuko: we don't have time for chit chat Y/n, but fine I'll pound that bitch into the dirt, but after I'm done with her, your are gonna tell us everything we wanna know."

Right when we were about to leave his office he put his hand on my shoulder, while Ryuko went ahead.

Aikuro: if I were you, I'd start putting these abilities to good use, cause if you don't you won't have a chance against Satsuki either."
He whispered to me

I figured he was right, if I'm going to help Ryuko take down Satsuki I'm gonna have to train myself to the brig

Y/n: You might be right about that, but I'll make sure I train hard, and you better give us answers after this.
I whispered back

Aikuro: Of course, I'm a man of my word after all"

Ryuko: Y/n!!! C'mon let's go!!!!!!

I then heard Ryuko calling to me impatiently, so I rushed out to catch up with her

Ryuko: what took you so long?"

Y/n: sorry, he just wanted to tell me something."

Ryuko: what did he say to you?

Y/n: I'll tell you after we kick that bitch's ass after school, so lets focus on that"

Ryuko: you're right, cause we need answer from that asswipe!"

We quickly made our way to class, after it was over we made our way to the school courtyard where we saw Mako tied up to a pole and bombarded with tennis balls. Ryuko and I quickly jumped in and blocked the incoming balls.

Ryuko: That's enough of that"

Mako: Ryuko, Y/n"

Omiko: so, I see your back for another beating huh?

Ryuko: like hell we are, but this time I'm gonna kick all of your asses, let's do it Senketsu."

She pulled the pin on her glove and Senketsu began to transform, but after that, she was once again wearing that kinky outfit.

Y/n: Senketsu.....can you like transform into a proper battle uniform instead of a kinky one?..."

Senketsu: Unfortunately no, this is how both of your fathers designed me."

Ryuko: well that's just great."
She said irritated

Omiko: Uhh, that looked kinda painful for you, masochistic stripper."

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