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"Everyone, meet Beatrice Denouement," Kit announced as she arrived in the doorway with the baby in her arms. "You're back soon," Klaus commented

"Yeah, the doctor wanted to keep me over night but-"

"She yelled, 'I have jumped off the top of a mountain just to avoid someone's company, do not underestimate me shooting a harpoon gun so I can be home with my baby tonight,'" Dewy told the group.

"That's my twin," Jacques said, tearing up from how proud of her he was.

"I had meds in my system, can you blame me?"

"What did you responded with, Dewy?" Klaus asked

"That's my wife, the guy thought I was Frank though, which is weird because we have such a different face than each other, I'm obviously better looking,"

"I have that same problem," Quigley told him.

"Can I hold her, Kit?" Isadora asked.

"Of course, I trust you more then Duncan,"

"When she gets older, are you going to tell her about VFD?" Duncan asked

"If you all are a part of it, then I'll have to,"

"Fair point,"

"Speaking of VFD, Violet, Quigley, we have a mission for you," Jacques announced.

"Since when are they apart of VFD?" Duncan questioned.

"Well, they are the most prepared, so they get to join right away, you guys need to train still," Olivia explained to them.

"How did Quigley pull that on off?" Isadora asked.

"Climbing and frozen waterfall," Quigley smirked.

"Why him?" Duncan asked.

"Don't be annoyed, Danny, you're two years younger than me, your day will be soon," Quigley told him, patting his head. "First of all, we're identical triplets, how did you forget my age?Second of all, my name is Duncan,"

"Are you sure? You've always had a big imagination,"

"I will beat you up,"

"Duncan, no offense, but Quigley could murder you with his bear hands," Klaus told the boy, "statistically speaking, if Quigley was going easy on you, you'd only have a .001 percent chance of survival,"

"He's that strong?"
"No, you dear brother, are very weak,"

"What's our mission?" Violet asked.

"Let's talk in the mission room," Olivia told the couple.

"We have a mission room?" Quigley asked.

"I swear to god Quigley if you start humming the mission impossible theme I will break up with you," Quigley, who was about hum the mission impossible theme, quickly stopped and followed his adoptive uncle and Olivia, and Violet to the mission room. Duncan looked hurt he wasn't invited to VFD, while Klaus and Isadora were playing with the baby, "I love you," Isadora said.

"Wait really, I love- you were talking to the baby weren't you?"

"Who did you think I was talking to?" Isadora asked her boyfriend, cluelessly.

"No one,"


"To be clear, we are going to a small town called Stain'd by the sea to deliver some mail?" Quigley questioned.

"We are trying to find Lemony, my younger brother,"

"And he is in this town?" Violet asked.

"That is unknown. There are a list of people, these people aren't a part of VFD but they have been friends with my brother since he was twelve, they are the only people who can help us," Jacques told the teens. "Who is coming with us? Neither of us can drive," Quigley pointed out.

"Jacqueline, Hector and I," Olivia answered.

"Hector?" Violet questioned.

"Did you not know he was in VFD?"


"Well, you two should start packing, you will be leaving very early tomorrow morning," Violet and Quigley nodded their heads and went back into their room.


"I wonder what the weather is like in Stain'd by the Sea," Violet commented going through her brand new wardrobe Jerome bought for her. Quigley was going through the maps, Jerome had also bought for him, trying to learn a little bit about where they were going. "You'll look great in anything, Vi,"there was a knock at their door, "come in!" Quigley shouted.

Duncan came in and sat down on the bed. "Why do you get to go on a vacation?"

"It's more of a mission," Quigley told his brother, "and you dear brother aren't ready,"

"I spent three months in a hot air mobile home,"

"Exactly, you don't know VFD like we do,"

"Quigley, the pink dress or the yellow one?" Violet asked holding up both dresses.

"Definitely the pink, it complements your hair. Now where was I? Yes, you were kidnapped by Count Olaf, you weren't tortured by the man with beard and no hair and the woman with hair and no beard,"

"Who are they?"

"You don't know them? I'm still tying to forget them, remember when we hid under that car Quigley?"

"Yeah, and Sunny was laughing at us,"

"Those two were creepy,"

"Who are they?" Duncan asked.

"Only the scariest rogue wicked side of VFD agents that exist. Heels, flats or boots?"

"Boots, we don't know the terrain we'll be in, but bring a pair of heels and a nice dress just in case. And she is not exaggerating, their aura of menace can be felt from a hundred miles away,"
Duncan deeply sighed. "I'm going to get some food," he mumbled leaving the room.

"Jumpsuit or overalls?"



"Hi! I'm your older sister, Isadora, next to me is bookworm," Isadora told the baby that seemed to nod at her words. The baby pointed to Duncan as he walked in. "That is moron. Bookworm, is the one with the glasses, and the other one is moron, understand?" The baby nodded again.

"What are you teaching this baby, Isa?" Duncan asked as he ate some of the popcorn in the bowl he stole from the kitchen. "Am I saying anything inaccurate?"

"I don't think so," Kit replied, Violet ran into the room.

"And that is your sister-in-law, meaning she is married to your brother Quigley," Isadora told Beatrice.

"Not yet, Klaus, we need your help,"

"Thank God!" Klaus exclaimed earning a glare from Isadora, "not that I don't love hearing you tell Beatrice about everyone,"

"Nice save, bookworm,"


"What's up, Vi?"

"Do you know anything about a town called Stain'd by the Sea?"

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