Chapter 10

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(I hope you're interested in what Tsunade said to Yukina,because here it is!)

Since coming back to the village,Yukina hadn't been able to talk much to Tsunade,though she felt that Tsunade might have been avoiding her on purpose because she was unsure of what she felt towards her former disciple.She didn't blame Tsunade,but a part of her had hoped deep down that perhaps they could be as close as before,though that was too much to ask for...

She noticed that they were in front of Tsunade's home.She felt her heart squeeze hard in her chest at the sight of the familiar house where she had spent a significant part of her childhood.

Tsunade said quietly,'I heard you are.....going back?'


Though she had settled down somewhere else,but this village had always been,and would always be her true home.But Yukina didn't say it out loud,because it didn't need to be said.

'Come in.'


Yukina stared at the boxes Tsunade had brought out,touched.

'I kept everything-your clothes,toys,books.I thought you would like them back,'Tsunade smiled.

'I don't know what to say...'

Yukina wiped a single drop of tear that had fallen down her cheek.

Tsunade looked at her tenderly.

'I won't ask what happened,but if you ever feel like it,you can tell me everything.'She took a deep breath.'And I wanted to say this before,but I'm truly glad you're back.'

This time,Yukina let the tears fall freely.However,she smiled through her tears at the woman she had always thought of as her mother.

'I'm also very glad to be back.'

(I guess this chapter was kind of predictable,but I think it's still emotional.What do you think?)

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