2. Kitty Kat

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"You need to believe in things that aren't true

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"You need to believe in things
that aren't true.
How else can they become?"

― Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

2. Kitty Kat

The group was coming closer and Kat could see them more clearly. They wore strange, old fashioned clothes, reminding her of the cast of a fantasy movie, and all of them carried weapons – swords, mostly. She must have either been sent back in time or to a world much less advanced than her own.

The first pair passed by her, a bearded, elderly man in a blue hat and beside him a very tall swordsman – tall for a human, that was, for compared to a cat they were all giants. Next followed a short, stout fellow, who despite his lesser height looked dangerous with a huge axe strapped across his massive shoulders. Then came four even shorter guys, their faces were smooth and beardless so perhaps they were children. One of them led a sturdy pony. Behind the pony walked another swordsman, and last in line was a young-looking archer with unusually long hair, she was not certain whether it was a guy or a girl.

She regarded their retreating backs, unsure what to do next. Were those the people she was supposed to join, and was it one of them she would save the life of? What had Mr Pretty Voice said... something about following the Fellowship until it was time to go her own way? She wished she had a better memory for these things, and that Pretty Voice had not spoken in riddles.

Sighing mentally – because with her cat's mouth she apparently could not produce that sound – she began to walk after the group.

It felt odd at first to use four legs instead of two, and to walk barepaw for that matter, but her body instinctively knew how to proceed. Having a tail was another novelty. She could move it at will but a great deal of the time it seemed to live a life of its own.

When Kat had caught up with the company she got another unpleasant surprise. They were speaking in subdued voices, but the language was foreign and she could not understand a word of it. How on earth was she supposed to save one of them if she could not talk with him? Provided that they even were the right Fellowship, that was.

Suddenly annoyed with Mr Pretty Voice she felt her tail begin to wave back and forth and a low growl started somewhere deep within her body. How could he do this to her? Was he mocking her? Was this just some sort of cruel joke?

Why are you angry, Little One?

Kat stopped dead, looking around her. She had heard a voice in her head. A bloody voice in her head! This was not good. Not good at all! Suddenly all that had happened to her recently made sense in a most disturbing way.

She had lost her mind.

There was no mysterious heaven-like place, no heroic quest, no Fellowship and she was no cat. She was a dead teacher, or possibly a comatose one, and she was going crazy.

Cat of the Fellowship // Legolas x OC, Boromir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now