Time to Explain

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"Alright you two? Ready?" Diane asks Yang and Ban. They both shake their heads and get into stances.

"Okay, first one to land a decisive blow wins the bout."

"Spar!" Diane jumps out of the ring.

"Yang and Ban both jump at each other, Yang tries to feint a kick but Ban is too smart to fall for it, he whacks her legs with his chain stick, knocking Yang off balance. Yang uses the momentum from firing her gauntlets to move around Ban, he crouched and lands a great punch to Yang's stomach. Yang grabs his arm and spins over him, throwing him into the air, she goes to follow up. Ban simply uses his range with the chain stick to keep her back, you can tell Yang is getting upset by this. Her eyes turn red and she pushes through the chain stick barrage. She grabs his face and slams him into the stone arena, when the smoke clears, Ban is gone and Yang is still holding the now disappeared Ban.

"We're using Semblances now? Well I hope you don't mind this!" Ban places his hand outward.


"Oh boy, girls, you may start to feel a bit sleepy, it's norm—." You turn to the rest of Team RWBY to find them passed out on the grass.

"Typical Ban. I might have to interfere if he nabs too much of my strength, he can absorb any other living creatures, but as long as he doesn't absorb a lot, I'll be okay with this."

"Captain! I feel tired all of a sudden!" Diane whines to you.

"Ban is using his "Semblance"."

"Oh. Cool." Diane passes out next to Team RWBY.

"Sate sate sate... I'm going to have to interrupt am I?" You walk into the Boar Hat to get something.

"How's this Xiao Long? Feeling sleepy at all?"

"Hell no! I can do this all day!" She goes to punch Ban only to tap his face lightly with her fist.

"W-What?" She says sluggishly.

"I can drain the strength of any living creature I want." Ban explains.

"That's so... greedy."

"Do you KNOW who I am?" Ban laughs.

"Bad Ban!" You jump up behind him and bonk him on the head with an ale mug.

"Really Captain?"

"You're not going very easy if everyone is asleep Ban, therefore, I declare Yang the winner by default."

"WHAT!? C'mon you can't be serious Captain!"

"You're Semblance isn't a very fair one, you going easy when you're like that is like you going all out normally. It wouldn't be fair."

"Gah! Screw you Captain!"

"No thank you. I like women." Ban walks off knowing you have a point and that he really defeated himself.

"I'll go wake everyone up and we'll get a move on.

"Wait!" You stop and look at Yang.

"Summer was a part of The Seven Deadly Sins wasn't she?"

"I wasn't lying to you Yang. Summer was the late Fox Sin of Greed."

"That means she must've still known about someone."

"And who would that be?"

"Raven Branwen. Did she ever mention her to you?"

You think about it.

"Raven Branwen... Raven... Nope. Doesn't ring a bell. I knew another Branwen though, Ruby's uncle I believe. Qrow?" Yang grows a disappointed look on her face.

"Okay, thank you for thinking though."

"Yep! It's what I do!" You and Yang go to wake up the other from Ban's Physical Hunt.

"I'm sorry Yang, but you're not ready to see your mother yet, trust me." You all go back and board Hawk's Mom and fly away, you all eventually make it to the Post Town Tala. You tell Hawk to land on the outskirts of town.

"Okay, we'll all split up to search for King. Ruby? I want you to come with me, Diane and Ban can go with everyone else."

"Okay." Ruby walks with you toward Tala.

"I think it's time to explain what sin your mother commited..." Ruby looks stunned at what you just said. She takes a deep breath and prepares herself.

"I'm ready."

"Summer... stole all of my underwear..." Ruby stops walking.

"Are you SERIOUS!?"

"No I am not. I just didn't know how to start this. You might want to sit for a sec'." You tell her, she listens and takes a seat on a nearby bench.

"Listen Ruby, what I'm about to tell you is going to sound nothing like your mother, but believe me, she's Summer. Okay?" You hope she understands.

"I hear you." You take a deep breath and prepare it.

"Summer fought in the Faunus Civil War, she was fighting with the Faunus for them. One day, a group she was leading was suddenly attacked and one of her friends, Catie, was crushed by some debris. Summer got an odd call on her scroll, they had earpieces then because of all the constant fighting. The voice told her if she left the Faunus to die and help the Humans. Then her daughters would never have to struggle in their lives again." You take a moment to pause and look at Ruby.

"What... What did she do?" You look at Ruby and place your hands in hers.

"Have you ever wanted for something you really needed? Food, water, electricity, Dust, anything?" You answer.

"Summer left her group and friend to die that day to better you and Yang's lives. After the war had ended, we ran into Summer on a mission against some Vampires. That was when she became The Fox Sin of Greed."
Ruby's eyes flutter for a second before tears roll out of them.

"My mother...?" You nod your head and open your arms, Ruby falls into the hug.

"Ruby? She loved you and Yang very much, her agreed caused you and Yang to live good lives and become Huntresses. And if it weren't for that, I wouldn't ever have met you, or Yang. Summer kept the Sins together, after she died, we all sorta, split apart. But now we are gonna fix that! Whadd'ya say?" After a few minutes of consoling Ruby, she wipes her eyes and looks at you.

"Let's go gather the Sins. Can I ask why though?"

"I can't tell you that little Rose, sorry, just know it's a very good reason."

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