Chapter 1.

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Your POV

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

I roll over to smack the stupid alarm clock that I keep hitting snooze on for the passed 20 minutes." Ugh... why does my head hurt so bad today!" I yell at myself. I look around to see my orange and white kitty laying beside my face. "Hi Haru!" I say to my 5 month old kitten. 

I remember when I found Haru. It was a stormy day I was running home from work from the hospital when I heard meowing in a box on the ditch line. When I peeked in this little box there was a soaked small starving kitten. It looked like it wasn't even old enough to be away from its mother yet. So what did I do? I picked up the shivering kitten and but it in my shirt against my chest and ran to the nearest pet store to get supplies. I still cannot believe its been almost 5 months ago.

I roll out of bed and took a shower and get ready for a hike in the woods with my little travel kitty. Once I was finished I looked at my dark deep purple hair, the small tanktop I had on along with my long black jeans with my boots.

"Come on girl ready to go hiking Haru?" I screamed through the house. "Meow!" I hear as she runs toward me ready to go. After putting her harness and leash on I stick her in my backpack until we make it to the forest clearing behind the city. 

After setting her down and letting her run around some i hear her meowing for me so I decided to follow her. I never knew the trouble that she was about to get me into.  "What is it girl you find something?" I said as I stroked her back to her tail. She looked at me with the most happy face so I went to look. I seen an old tablet like thing of some sort and decided to pick it up. Man that was a bad idea. I seen the sky change color as I held the tablet close to me i picked up Haru and ran. 

But I ran the wrong way I was going deeper in the forest. Next thing I know I fell into a hole and held Haru as tight as I can along with the tablet for some odd reason.


4 hours later

"Ow my head, what happened. I look around to see a little girl no more than 5 years old curled up in a ball on my lap. She has white and orange cat ears and tail??

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