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Third Person P.O.V:

February 14th, 2020

Y/n's mom rubs her back as she unloads the contents of her stomach into the toilet. Feeling her eyes start to strain and the back of her jaw stinging, almost like it was about to pop out of place.

Things had gotten worse, fast. Too fast. This wasn't good, and the whole house knew it. Hermione was currently out, picking up her surprise gift for Y/n. It was Valentine's Day after all.

"I'm going to call Hermione, she needs to come home," Y/m/n says as she notices blood splattering against the lining of the porcelain bowl. Y/n couldn't even argue before another wave of acid and blood left her body.

Y/m/n quickly pulled out her phone, her hand still on Y/n's back. The poor girl couldn't even focus on what was being said, as she finally felt her stomach calm down for the moment. She lowered herself to the cold tile, breathing heavily as she tried to catch her breath.

Yet every breath she took, made her feel another wave of vomit coming back up. She slowed her breathing, swallowing the dry and acidic taste in her mouth. She begged in her head, telling her body to calm down.

"Y/n, get up. We are going to the hospital." Y/m/n says in a slight panic as she stands over her daughter, stuffing her phone back in her pocket before grasping at her limbs desperately. But it was no use, Y/n couldn't even push herself up. She was dead weight.

"Y/n please" Y/m/n begged softly as she pulled on her daughter's arms, only able to get her sitting up, but she immediately leaned against the wall for support.

"I-I can't" Y/n replied as she cleared her throat, yet she still tried to slowly pull her knee up to push herself into a standing position, but she couldn't. She was just so tired. It was a difficult kind of tired though. Like...if you were drowning.

Her lungs burned, and her eyes felt so heavy.

Y/m/n felt tears in her eyes, panic taking over her whole body as she continued to try and lift her daughter. Y/n didn't know how long it had been, but Hermione was soon running up the stairs with her keys still in hand.

When Y/n looked up, Hermione fell to her knees, pulling her into her arms. Neither knew what to do. All the brunette could whisper was 'I'm here'.

She placed gentle kisses against Y/n's head as they sat there, Y/m/n just staring at them with tears in her eyes as she pulled out her phone again. She stepped into the hallways and made another call to someone else.

"The home stretch" Y/n whispered as she rested her head against Hermione's chest, whose heart sounded worried as well. She could feel the girl's fingers grip her shirt, almost desperately.

"Don't say things like that. Please. Not now." Hermione whispered back as she pressed the side of her face against Y/n's. She didn't want to think about that. That's all she thought about. She needed a plan.

Dr.Pinhall had been able to take her new potion and was going to test it, but he had warned her it would take longer due to COVID testing in the lab. She'll call him later. Hell, she'll go to St.Mungos and force him to test it if she has to.

"Nucly, what's wrong? Please, tell me" Hermione pleaded quietly as she caressed the back of Y/n's head. She wanted to snap her fingers and make everything better. She was a witch for Christ's sake!

"Nausea, blood, tired" Y/n replied, her eyes shutting for a moment, before struggling to flutter back open. Hermione eyes widened. She quickly forced her wife to look at her, panic filling her soul.

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