Chapter 1: The Start of a New Adventure

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Ana moved about her chambers, gathering up the items she needed and packing them. She had been aboard a ship before and knew it was easier to pack as much as you could into just a few bags or one trunk. That way she had what she needed but wouldn't have to make several trips every time they docked. She also found it much easier to get around the decks if she wasn't wearing a dress all the time. So she only packed one in case it was needed. But the rest of her clothes consisted of trousers and shirts, much to the dismay of the attendant helping her.

"You're only taking one dress? Shouldn't you pack more? What if something happens?" she asked while examining what all Ana was packing.
"I'm going to be on the ship most of the time. There will be no need for running around in a dress and ruining it. Should the occasion
arise where I need it, I'll have it. But otherwise, these clothes are more comfortable for sailing," Ana answered.
"If that's what you wish, my lady." She dipped into a curtsy and then began picking up her items to take to the dock.
"Nerissa, we talked about this."
"Oh... Right," Nerissa said. "My apologies."

Then, with her arms loaded up with bags, she headed for the door. Ana shook her head in mild exasperation before grabbing her weapons and following Nerissa out.

A few days before the trip, Caspian had reluctantly agreed to let Ana come with him to look for the Lost Lords. He had been hesitant at first and it took a lot of begging on Ana's part. She had assumed he wanted someone he trusted to watch over Narnia. But Ana knew Trumpkin and Glenstorm would not be going on the journey and figured the Kingdom would be safe under their watchful eyes. After all, there was peace throughout all of Narnia. Caspian knew this as well which made Ana a little confused as to why he wanted her to stay behind.

She knew things had been different over the past three years. They had adopted a brother-sister relationship. He teased her but didn't get overprotective and involved in everything. But for the past year, Ana realized Caspian seemed tenser around her and knew something had changed between them. She knew it was partly her fault. She had gotten more withdrawn and started to keep her distance. But for her own safety, she felt she had to.

Ana had thought Caspian understood. He gave her space but had also started restricting her to the castle. This only resulted in her sneaking out to make sure he was safe. And now that he wanted her to stay behind on his journey made her concerned. She was worried she had ruined the friendship they had started to build. After just three years, he was starting to see her as nothing but a child.

So Ana wasn't in the greatest of spirits when she met Caspian on the way to the dock. He smiled brightly at her, but she could only send a small one in return. His smile faded a bit and he looked at her questioningly. They walked through the town in silence for a bit before Caspian finally decided to speak.

"Are you alright, Ana?" he asked.
"Just fine, your Majesty," she answered, causing him to frown more.
"Listen..." he said, hesitantly. "I think there are some things we need to talk about."
Ana stopped walking and he paused in his steps as well. She wasn't sure if she wanted to have this conversation right before they left.
"What about?" she asked.
"This... Us... What has happened over the last few years."
"And you want to do this now? After all this time... You think right before we leave is the best time?"
"I just want to make sure you're alright before we depart," Caspian said. "You haven't quite been yourself lately. And we never really talked about what all has happened."
"We've all been through a lot these past three years. But Narnia is at peace and I'm happy."
"If you're sure..."
Ana nodded. "I'm sure."
"Well, if that's the case..." Caspian smirked.

Then with a smile, he lightly shoved Ana and began running for the docks. Shaking her head, Ana took off after him. Maybe things weren't so different after all. But one thing was for certain: she would definitely have to get him back for that.

By the time they reached the dock, both had regained their composure. They were walking calmly and grinning ear to ear. Townspeople lined the streets to see their King off. There was a mix of emotions on their faces about his departure. Some seemed excited but others seemed a bit worried. They didn't want their King to leave. Or at the very least they didn't want both of them to go. But they were excited that Caspian was keeping his oath to search for the Lost Lords so there weren't a lot of reservations.

Trumpkin and Glenstorm were also there to see them off, along with a few other Narnians. The Dwarf bowed to Caspian and smiled encouragingly to Ana. Both nodded their heads in acknowledgment and smiled back. Glenstorm was more formal, choosing to simply bow his head to both of them. Neither of them doubted that Narnia would be taken care of. Caspian had made Trumpkin temporary regent and had Glenstorm to help him.

Reepicheep was already aboard the ship, waiting for Caspian and Ana to join. He had been very excited about the prospect of traveling on the Dawn Treader, for the adventures which lay ahead. Now that the day had finally come, his excitement had only grown. He scampered across the deck and climbed the rails. Now the Mouse stood, almost bouncing, as he watched the rest board. He waved excitedly to Ana when he saw that they had arrived. Ana only chuckled at Reepicheep's enthusiasm.

The crew consisted of mostly humans. Quarters were too tight on the ship to fit many Narnians, especially the large ones. It was one of the reasons Glenstorm would not be joining them on this mission. Aside from Reepicheep, there were two fauns, a couple of dwarfs, and the first mate Tavros, a minotaur. Drinian was the Captain of the ship and had become friends with Caspian over the past few years.

As Caspian and Ana boarded, the crew ran about the deck making last-minute preparations. Everything was being tied down so supplies wouldn't be easily lost at sea. Their bags were taken and carried off somewhere Ana did not know. Two men pulled the boarding plank and sealed the door. Then, at Caspian's order, the strong ropes securing the ship to the dock were untied.

As they sailed away, Reepicheep scurried up the mast to wave goodbye to the others. Ana waved to them as well. It was time for a new adventure and she was excited. There was a little reservation that came with that excitement, but she was used to that by now. Watching Cair Paravel grow smaller and smaller as they sailed away, Ana prayed for Aslan's protection. They always needed it, but she felt she would need it even more now that they were out at sea.

This journey was sure to be an interesting adventure. But Ana didn't realize what all that would mean for her.


Apologies for the short chapters. Hopefully as I get rewrites for the others, the chapters will start to get longer. These first few will be kind of short regardless.

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