Chapter 23: Confessions

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When Ana reappeared, the figures were a little unclear at first. But she could make out the shape of a lion and a man so she knew who they were. Caspian's back was turned but Aslan stood facing her direction.

As they came more into focus, she could make out her surroundings better. She didn't return from the wave but rather appeared in front of it, facing the water covered in lilies. Ana also noted that her clothes and weapons had returned.

Aslan was watching her, waiting patiently for her to fully return. Caspian, however, had started to walk away. His shoulders were a bit hunched and he was looking at the ground. If Ana wasn't mistaken, he seemed very disappointed and distraught. She frowned a little at this observation. It was very unlike him, especially in the Lion's presence.

"Welcome back, child," Aslan spoke, halting Caspian in his tracks.
"Thank you," Ana said and the King whirled around.

Shock was evident on his face but he also appeared to be relieved. Ana laughed and rolled her eyes at his gobsmacked expression. She couldn't help it. There was also laughter in Aslan's eyes as he tried to speak.

"H-how? What? I-I don't understand," Caspian stuttered out. He reined in his surprise and quickly explained. "She was gone for only moments. But the others... They would be gone for years at a time. Yet Ana stands here as if no time has passed."
"That's because it hasn't," Aslan said. "As with the Pevensie children, hardly any time passes in the world they're from."
"I'm a Narnian and this is my home." Ana smiled as Caspian's shock finally wore off completely. "And I told you I'd be back before you knew it. I meant that quite literally..."

At her statement, Caspian was forced to smile. He let out a light laugh as he did so, finally understanding. Ana had no intention of being gone from Narnia long. And he was sure she had meant the rest of her statement literally too. He wasn't sure how long he would live without Ana to help him. She had saved his life more times than he could count. More than he'd ever be able to make up for. But that didn't stop him from trying.

There was a comfortable silence that stretched between the three. Then, without saying a word, Aslan walked away. They watched until He disappeared out of sight before looking back at each other. He had left them alone and suddenly, Ana felt very uncomfortable. Her gaze fluttered around before deciding her shoes were very interesting. She heard Caspian sigh and heard him approach. Still, she did not look up.

His hand touched her shoulder before moving under her chin. He gently forced her head up and she had no choice but to look at him. Ana tried to avoid it at first, but he was so close there was no place she could look besides his eyes. They were always so transparent and at that moment, he looked very vulnerable. Much like how Ana felt. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she was surprised Caspian couldn't hear it.

"Ana," he said softly.

Something about the way he said her name just then made Ana feel jittery. She tried to move away but he wouldn't let her. They were too close together and she didn't know how to handle it. If it wasn't such a serious moment, she would've been fine. But this... He rarely spoke in that tone of voice and never directly at her. This was both a serious and intimate moment. Ana didn't know how she felt about that.

"I-I have a confession to make," Caspian stated slowly as if he was unsure of himself. He let go of her and took a few steps back.
Ana released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "What is it?" she inquired, voice shaking a little. What could be so serious as to make him this nervous? "Caspian... you can tell me anything."

"I may have been a bit dishonest with you..."
"With me? Caspian—" He cut her off by raising his hand slightly. She was very confused and concerned.
"I told you and everyone else that the reason I turned away potential suitors was because I wasn't interested. That I was too busy to worry about building a relationship with anyone, even if it was just meant to be a strategic one. But that's not exactly true."
Ana nodded in understanding. She knew where this was going. "You still had feelings for Susan. You were still a bit heartbroken."
"Yes... uh... I mean... N-no. N-not exactly." He looked away for a moment, seeming both flustered and confused. Ana was concerned. She had never seen him act this way before.

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