So I have to go to school because the law requires it. But I can't complain because it gives me something to do. But it also gives me problems. I have enough drama from gossip I hear, then I make it worse by being friends with dramatic people. Yeah, I'm a stupid person for choosing dramatic people but I don't have anyone else. The good kind people are popular and won't talk to anyone out of their clicky, clicky group. I already get bullied. But when people come to me about their problems at least then they notice me and accept that I'm here. Other than that I'm invisible. I walk to school wearing my regular jeans, big T- shirt, and my hair down. I don't wear make up. But that somewhat explains why no one talks to. I look ugly plus I'm not really skinny so I don't have a boyfriend, real friends, or a good status in school. I g to my classes. I go to lunch and eat a salad, and drink a bottle of water. 

( A/N your supposed to drink 64 oz of water a day to keep hydrated so you better start now. )

 I hope I don't gain to much weight. I make it to my last class which is a study hall. I don't have any work to do so I can think about my life, career, and wish of castles in the sky. I listen to music and ask my teacher If I can take a walk through the school fields. She said yes. I was thankful because I just need some time to myself. I mean I'm really lonely at home and bored but here It's like to much to handle. I walk through the doors and go from the sidewalk to the benches on one of the fields. I sighed heavy but happy because I felt calm and I don't feel it often. I closed my eyes and just took in the sounds and vibes I got. Then I heard footsteps towards the bench. I didn't open my eyes because I was hoping they would pass but instead they sat down beside me. I opened my eyes and saw a boy with bleach blonde hair. He smiled at me and I just looked at his perfect smile. I then smiled but it wasn't a great one. Plus I think it was week. We didn't talk much but before I knew it I had to go to get my stuff from my locker and go home yay! So excited. ( note the sarcaism ) I stood up to have the boy stare at me. 

Me: Hey I've got to go, but it was nice sitting with you. 

Then I turned around and left. I hadn't seen that the boy was going to respond tho. I got my stuff from my locker and walked down the now deserted hallways. I'm usually last student to leave because I don't want to go home. I go to the schools back door exit just because it's quiet and there's less people. I start walking ready to go home to my bunker of loneliness and shame. Then this van pulls up. But it's not like one of those work vans but one for like a family of 8 people. 

( A/N I know you want to get on to the kidnapping part. It's coming but comment, vote, share, and follow me in the mean time. Check out the people I'm following because there awesome. Bye peeps and love Y'all. )

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