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I was sleeping fine until someone picked me up. You know that sleeping stage where your asleep but your not like if you heard a crash your eyes would open fast and you would bolt upright immediately. When that person picked me up and I could hear them whisper stuff but It was like I was but I wasn't awake. Kind like the picture above. That's what I would look like trying to wake up. I just snuggled into the warm body not caring who it was because I was tired. Then I felt someone kiss my forehead. I opened my sleepy eyes to see Corbyn. He smiled when I opened my eyes. 

Corbyn: Hey, go back to sleep. 

Me: What's wrong? * sleepy *

Corbyn: Nothing, just was taking you to bed. 

Me: Oh, okay. * yawn * Thank you. 

I put my arms around his neck and put my head in the crook of his neck. He was so warm and I wasn't fully awake in my self defense. He put in a bed and tucked me in then I was gone. I couldn't fight the sleep wanting to take over so I let it. I woke the next morning to someone shaking me. But I was so tired. I wanted to be left alone. 

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